(Photo : JOSEPH PREZIOSO/AFP via Getty Images)

The New England truckers are driving to meet up with the National Convoy that has originated from other states; they are on the way to a place outside Washington DC to protest the vaccine mandates.

The trucker group got cheers from onlookers that stretch from Maine to Connecticut as they rode on to meet others. Originating from the Northeast, they will motor on till D.C. to tell the Biden administration their opposition to vaccine mandate and anti-people policies, cited N.Y. Post.

New England Truckers Hit the Road

Called the Northeast convoy that kicked off the long drive at 7 a.m. on March 2, pushing from Hermon, Maine, which is the center of the state best known for its outdoor activities, reported the Epoch Times.

Truckers went to a rally located at the seasonal roadside motel, which borders a truck stop in the I-95 at Kennebunk.

Here a big group of people was waving flags, and other sentiments were there for the sendoff. Many had been vaccinated or not, which was a statement of how the government wanted segregation to promote unwanted policies.

One of the protestors is the U.S. Marine veteran Kevin Gerry, who got the vaccine but is furious at the Biden administration for its unlawful mandates that are flagrant and violative of human rights.

He was mad that a tour of duty lasting nine years to protect freedoms was stolen by the administration. Nine outings with the Marine Corps and the president tool away freedom, not legal, he said.

Maine trucker Neal Grenier, who is unvaccinated, spoke to an outlet that he is with the New England truckers for freedom of choice.

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Speakers expressing their view included Maine doctor Meryl Nas, who was stripped of her medical license by the state for trying alternative treatments not needing the COVID-19 vaccine.

More health professionals were attacked by the edicts of Joe Biden, who wanted to help anti-vaxxers, but the government saw them as sanctionable. Nas added it was the battle of 1776.

Adding the protest tells the Democrat-run government to follow the constitution and follow it nor break it. Many Americans are worried about the leftism in government.

Supporters Rally To Support Convoy

Heather Sirocki, an Ex-GOP lawmaker, was there to give a piece of her mind and work up the conservatives on how uncivil the Biden administration is.

She said there are three people citing, one who enables for positive action, stand by the side, and those who did not know what just happened.

Commended the trucker group for joining the freedom convoy and said they were making a great difference, per Politico.

One of the bigger New England states, and it borders Canada as well. They said how the convoy protested how the Trudeau government acted like a dictatorial country.

As with Canadian truckers, these American truckers have to be vaccinated too. Maine is one of three other states that negate any religion-related exemptions for mandates to get vaccinated.

The U.S. Supreme Court would rule against 2000 health care professionals to sustain the religious exemption ban. One of the co-founders of the Freedom Choice Maine that set up the Maine convoy told an outlet that several regulations from logging, fishing, and transport affected their income badly.

One grave concern she said is to keep access to health information sacrosanct not accessible by anyone else. Biden's administration is preparing for arrival and erecting the capital fence using the convoy as an excuse.

New England truckers will be joining the multi-state trucker protest that is pulling in non-truckers and anyone who is not for the government.

Related Article: U.S. Trucker Convoy Organizers Are Legally Insulating Themselves To Prevent Undemocratic Actions Done by the Canadian Government