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What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of Skin Tags?

While most skin tags do not require treatment and will eventually fall off on their own, a doctor may prescribe a simple medical procedure to remove any that irritates the skin or causes pain. Skin tags may also be removed for cosmetic reasons, especially if they are on exposed areas of the body, such as the face.

Skin tags are soft, noncancerous growths that commonly appear in the neck, armpits, breasts, groin region, and eyelids. Loose collagen fibers become trapped inside thicker parts of the skin, causing these growths.

The specific source of skin tags is unknown although they may form due to friction or skin rubbing against skin. Skin tags are also persistent, affecting over half of the population, Kemunto Mokaya, MD, told Healthline.

According to her, they're more frequent in older adults, overweight people, and diabetic individuals. These skin sores are typically painless, but they can be rather painful if grabbed by jewelry or clothes. If these growths are bothering you, there is help.

Skin tags typically don't necessitate treatment or consultation with the doctor. If you want to remove a skin tag from a product, you might be able to do it using items already in your health cabinet or kitchen.

Skin tag home remedies

The majority of at-home treatments include drying the skin tag until it shrinks and comes off. Here are several home treatments for skin tag removal:

  • Apple cider vinegar- After soaking a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar, put it over the skin tag. Wrap the affected area with a bandage for 15 to 30 minutes before washing it. Repeat every day for a few weeks. Apple cider vinegar's acidity tears down the tissue surrounding the skin tag, causing it to come off.
  • Tea tree oil- Tea tree oil is safe to use on the skin since it has antiviral and antifungal effects. Wash the afflicted area first. Then gently rub the oil over the skin tag with a Q-tip or cotton swab. Overnight, cover the area with a bandage.
  • Banana peel- Don't throw out old banana peels, especially if you have a skin tag. A banana peel may also be used to help dry up a skin tag. Cover the tag with a piece of banana peel and secure it with a bandage. Repeat every night until the tag falls off.
  • Vitamin E- Skin tags may be caused by aging. Because vitamin E is an antioxidant that fights wrinkles and keeps the skin healthy, putting liquid vitamin E on a skin tag might make it disappear in a few days. Massage the tag and surrounding skin with the oil until it falls off.
  • Garlic- Garlic reduces inflammation, which helps to enhance the look of the skin. Apply crushed garlic to a skin tag and wrap the area with a bandage overnight to get rid of it naturally. In the morning, wash the area. Repeat till the skin tag has shrunk and vanished.

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    Over-the-counter skin tag products

    Several over-the-counter (OTC) treatments available in groceries and drugstores can safely remove a skin tag, in addition to home treatments. Some methods are more successful and safer than others for eliminating skin tags at home. There are also several items available for this purpose. Try these Medical News Today recommended treatments:

    Removal creams

    In certain situations, these creams are effective. Dr. Mokaya suggests avoiding products that include salicylic acid and tea tree oil since these chemicals might irritate the skin or create contact dermatitis.

    Some of these creams' directions suggest wiping the skin with an alcohol wipe and filing down the tag before applying the cream to ensure that the skin thoroughly absorbs it. According to the label on some of these products, the skin tag should come off after 2-3 weeks.

    Bands and patches

    The blood flow to the skin tag base is cut off with a skin tag removal band. The cells die without a supply of blood, and the tag comes off. This is referred to as ligation.

    Medication is contained in the removal patches. The tag may fall off if a patch is left on it for several days or weeks.

    Freezing kits

    Healthcare professionals use liquid nitrogen to remove undesirable skin tissue in a healthcare setting. Cryotherapy is the term for this type of treatment. According to Dr. Mokaya, cryotherapy can entail temperatures as low as 320.8°F (-195°C). Temperatures of 4°F to 58°F are required for benign lesions such as skin tags.

    Before the growth fades away, people may need to apply the product many times. When using home freezing kits, make sure the spray does not contact the surrounding skin. Before removing the tag, apply petroleum jelly to the area around it to protect the skin.

    When to consult a doctor?

    Skin tags can be mistaken for other skin conditions such as warts and moles. It's essential to have your skin tags evaluated by a specialist because some moles are cancerous. Your dermatologist or family doctor can diagnose skin tags. This will most likely be accomplished through a visual examination. They may also do a biopsy if they have any doubts regarding the diagnosis.

    According to the University of Michigan Health, home treatments such as cutting off skin tags with nail clippers or removing moles with creams and pastes can result in bleeding, infection, and scarring. It's also critical that your doctor examines moles before they're removed. Having your moles and skin tags removed by your doctor is considerably safer.

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