(Photo : Getty Images/Jessica Kourkounis)
PHILADELPHIA, PA - JULY 26: A woman enters all gender public restroom at Wells Fargo Center before day two of the Democratic National Convention on July 26, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Former President Bill Clinton will speak at the second day of Democratic Nation Convention.

A Loudoun County elementary school teacher in Virginia was imposed administrative leave for objecting to his school district's proposed policy regarding preferred gender-identity pronouns.

Byron "Tanner" Cross is a physical education teacher at Leesburg Elementary School in Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS). He was placed on leave following his opposition against a proposed rule requiring teachers and staff to address students by their preferred gender-identity pronouns.

Cross Would Not Affirm That a Biological Boy Can Be a Girl and Vice Versa

The 8040 policy requires all LCPS staff to use the decided name and gender pronouns of transgender students regardless of the name and gender recorded in the student's permanent educational record. Cross spoke in the school board meeting that he would not adhere to such policies because they go against his religious beliefs. He would not assert that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa.

According to the physical education teacher, "My name is Tanner Cross, and I am speaking out of love for those who are suffering from gender dysphoria." He then discussed a CBS News "60 Minutes" special that addressed the issue. "60 Minutes" on Sunday interviewed over 30 young people who transitioned, but they felt they had been led astray because of lack of pushback or how easy it was to make physical changes to their bodies. "They are now detransitioning," Cross said as reported by Fox News.

Cross spoke about how "detransitioners" felt that they were "led astray" because of the "lack of pushback" and how convenient it was to go to a doctor and request to have "physical changes" done to their bodies.

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Detransitioning has earned more media coverage in the past few years. Some detransitioners, including Helena Kerschner, Charlie Evans, and Keira Bell, sounded the alarm on transition remorse and how medical professionals who provide transitions make it too convenient for minors to make huge life changes and, at times, misguided decisions at an early age, reported Christianity Daily.

Cross stated it is not his intention to hurt any individual but that there are certain truths that we must face when ready. The board has already bitterly divided educators and parents by pushing critical race theory. He added that he loves all of his students, but he would never lie to them regardless of the repercussions.

Cross also remarked that he is a teacher, but he serves God first. He added that adhering to the policy is lying to a child, an abuse to a child, and is sinning against the Lord.

According to an LCPS spokesperson, Cross was placed on administrative leave with pay on Friday. "Building principals cannot put employees on leave," the spokesperson added and confirmed that the elementary school's principal had nothing to do with the decision, reported News Break.

It was not made clear whether the leave is directly linked to Cross' statement at the meeting.

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