(Photo : Gerd Altmann/Pixabay)
The incidence of the UK COVID-19 Variant as another variant of the CCP virus has been detected. Northern China cities are in alert as the variant has infected Chinese patients with super-spreaders suspected are found.

The incidence of the UK COVID-19 Variant as another variant of the CCP virus has been detected. Northern China cities are on alert as the variant has infected Chinese patients with suspected superspreaders are found.

 Last weekend Chinese officials were on high alert as the CCP virus was in the center of outbreaks in Northern China. These contagions got according to the authorities as the UK variant got identified as the viral type infecting the patients. Tracing how the UK strain got to the mainland is in progress.

 Specifically, Shanghai and southern Guangdong Province city had patients with the B.1.1.7 or UK strain. Identified carriers are students who came from the UK last December 2020, who arrived in China. Tests pointed out through genome sequencing; the new variant is more contagious, reported NTD.

 Other parts of China, Shenyang, and Dalian authorities have data on superspreaders who may have transmitted the virus to many people.

 According to the Epoch Times, the locals are aware of hidden cases unannounced by local officials. An indicator that the true extent of the local contagions is underreported intentionally like before.

 Super spreaders detected by health officials

During the weekend, more cases were found in Heihe City of Heilongjiang Province, Dalian and Shenyang cities in Liaoning Province, Beijing, and Shijiazhuang City in Hebei Province. Shenyang officials said that all the UK COVID-19 Variant had been near a woman surnamed Yin. Records say that she arrived on November 29 from South Korea. Some are suspected as super spreaders.

 Also read: Sinopharm: China Gives Approval For Homegrown Vaccine with Alleged 79.3% Efficacy

An outlet made a map that traced the progression of the infection that was initiated by Yin. Those infected by the UK strain included her granddaughter, roommates, and hospital staff who gave the treatment for COVID-19. Nearby patients in the hospital were infected unexpectedly.

 In Dalian, a 34-year-old patient surnamed Jin is the locus of an infectious spread that gave the contagion to 33 people. It was reported by Dalian officials attached to the COVID case.

 On January 3, a press conference by Zhao Lian, vice director of the Dalian health commission, stated that Jin sells clothes at a local mall. Tracing indicated that the local mall is where he got infected.

 Reported, the patient was at a family affair when symptoms manifested and infected about 10 or 11 of his kin at the affair.

 In Beijing, reports of the latest positive infection is an 8-month-old infant. The cause is the mother and grandmother, who were positive for the CCP virus on December 31.

Official states that the possible UK strain cases are connected to a 31-year-old woman checked with COVID on December 24 last year.

Unannounced cases in the mainland

 According to Ms. Li from Beijing, she told the Chinese Epoch Time that the Beijing outbreak is under official wraps and is worse than reported. She was mentioning that Shunyi and Chaoyang districts had cases that are not announced. Ms. Li said that the Beijing government hides many patients.

 No one in Beijing wants others to know the real outbreak that will tarnish local authorities' image. Lockdown and orders to control the epidemic has been issued. Li doubts that the virus came from outside, according to Chinese narratives.

 The UK COVID-19 Variant is detected in China with no apparent source, but super spreaders are a suspect as the CCP virus surges again.

 Related article: New UK COVID-19 Mutation Detected in Colorado, Severity of Contagiousness not Determined