(Photo : 6 Most Common Dog Health Problems You Must Know )

Be it a dog or cat, they are all our faithful companions, and they rely on us for their good care, like our kids. To take care of your furry mate, you must be well-aware of the potential pet problems, their signs, and what you can do. So, let's check out these:-

#1 Ear Infection in Dogs

An ear infection is a prevalent health problem that most dogs have to deal with at least once in their lifetime. It can be caused by ear mites, allergies, and hair growth in the deep ear canal. The warning signs of ear infections are:-

  • Ear Odor

  • Lack of Balance

  • Swelling in the Outer Portion of the Ear

  • Bloody Discharge

  • Vigorous Scratching

  • Head-Shaking

You must take your dog to the veterinary doctor if you come across any of these common signs. Typically, cleaning and medicines can clear up the infection deep in the ear. 

#2 Dogs and Worms

Roundworms, tapeworms, or hookworms can cause internal parasites in dogs. Signs of worms infestation are:-

  • Diarrhea

  • Weight Loss

  • Loss of Appetite

  • Dry Coat

  • Scotting at the Bottom

  • Weak Overall Appearance

  • Vomiting

The best way to confirm that your pet has a worm infection is a vet visit. The treatment mainly depends on the type of worms your pet has, but generally, oral medicines with regular follow-ups are prescribed by most vets. 

Never try to kill the worms by yourself because the medicine that effectively kills the roundworms may not work from tapeworms, so knowing the type is way more important. 

#3 Fleas

Did you know it hardly takes three weeks for a single flea to translate into 1,000 biting bugs? Although it is a common problem, it can lead to several problems. Therefore, early treatment is important. Common signs that they are fleas residing on your dog's body are:-

  • Hair Loss

  • Excessive Scratching

  • Flea Dirt on Your Dog's Skin

  • Hot Spots

Untreated flea problems can make your dog intensely uncomfortable, which could lead to aggressive behavior, allergic reaction, and anemia in blood. 

You must talk to your vet about flea medicines, which may include a special type of shampoo, liquids, oral medicines, etc. 

#4 Bacterial Infection

To protect your pet against bacterial infection, preventive antibiotics are a must. The most commonly advised antibiotics are Clavamox for dogs and cats; they are specially formulated to prevent antibiotic-resistance in pets. 

These antibiotics are effective in treating bone infections, mouth infections, bladder infections, skin, and soft tissue infections. The antibiotic properties of Clavamox treat a wide range of bacterial infections. 

The Clavamox for dogs and cats is recommended if they are pregnant or breeding, or pets with hypersensitivity conditions. It is a no-brainer to consult with a vet to decide on the right dosage. 

#5 Vomiting

Vomiting is a common issue with dogs, caused by various health conditions, ranging from kidney failure, heatstroke, and stomach poisoning to intestinal parasites. 

The symptoms are quite basic, such as heavy drooling caused by nausea, blood in the vomit; your pet can't hold fluids, and you must immediately contact your vet to prevent a life-threatening diphtheria condition.

The treatment depends on what has caused stomach distress in your pet, such as surgery for 

obstruction, drugs to control vomiting, home-cooked foods to improve your pet's stomach health.

#6 Doggy Diarrhea

Just like vomiting, diarrhea in dogs is quite common. There are several causes for the diarrhea condition; these include stress and infection such as intestinal parasites and food problems. The symptoms of diarrhea in pets are quite obvious, watery, or liquid stool.

Since diarrhea can lead to dehydration, make sure you provide them fresh water, and then take them to the vet if the diarrhea condition priests for more than one day. Or immediately in a scenario, they have a fever, loss of appetite, or bloody vomit. 

In the end, these dog problems are not all, there are so many diseases and illnesses associated with dogs, and the way to reduce it is to look out for any changes in the body appearance or behavior. 

So, if your pet develops any of these problems, make sure you don't turn a blind eye and take your dog to the vet right away.