(Photo : Top 3 Tips for Studying from Home)

Online education is the new normal in a world affected by both COVID-19 as well as a transition to remote learning and labour. In an increasingly technology-reliant economy, many workplaces see the value of working from home, and most universities in North America are conducting classes exclusively online.

For high school students transitioning into a growingly remote reality, learning through a virtual high school will help them learn not only the academic knowledge they need to graduate, but also develop key soft skills such as time management and self-reliance that will help them work remotely even after the risks of COVID are long behind us.

Online Study Options

For many students, an online school is the best choice for study as it allows them the option to study at their own pace and all from the safety of home. 

Dining room tables and bedside desks have become the new classroom for those students who have transitioned to eLearning. This transition has been an adjustment for educators and students - moving from in-class learning to pre-recorded lessons and virtual office hours. With this adjustment comes its fair share of challenges, but a greater number of benefits. 

It's well known that e-Learning fosters key secondary "soft" skills alongside what they learn through their curriculum. Of course, learning initiative, self-reliance, and time management requires some discipline. 

As students transition to at-home learning, these three study tips will help keep them on track and increase productivity.

1. Create a Dedicated Workspace

    While it may be tempting to work from your bed or couch, creating a workspace that is solely used for schoolwork is an important piece of the puzzle. Setting aside a separate corner of the room with a functional desk, no matter the size will help keep you on task and limit the distractions you would normally encounter if you worked on your couch. 

    Even if you're working in the same room where you enjoy leisure time, all distracting devices such as gaming consoles, iPads, and even smartphones should be stored somewhere out of sight.

    2. Implement a Routine

      Treating eLearning the same way you would a typical school day can be an effective way to maximize the efficiency of your time while you're studying at home. 

      It can be very easy to forget you're on the clock when working at home.

      Set your alarm every morning, and lay out a timeline for the day with deadlines for assignments or readings to be completed, and allocate for lunch and snack breaks. By treating the at-home e-Learning experience as seriously as you would your time at a traditional day school will help maintain that accountability needed to succeed in your studies as you transition into your post-high school path. 

      3. Make a Study Plan with Friends 

        Carving out social time is important to maintain a healthy balance of academics, and combining studying with connecting with friends can be a great way to stay motivated. Try making a plan with your friends to finish your assignments or readings by a certain time and then rewarding yourselves with a video call or going for a walk together outside. 

        Maintaining motivation to complete schoolwork is easier when you can hold each other accountable - and by knowing you have social time to look forward to.

        Nothing is the same in the new normal - least of all studying. But the right online e-Learning program will keep you on track and teach you valuable secondary skills along the way.