(Photo : Natural Health & Fitness Tips for Women)

Staying fit and healthy is the aim of every woman, and yet it can be a chore if you have kids or lead a busy working life. That's why it's always great to get hold of useful health and fitness tips that are especially for women. We're not talking about heavy exercise or similar, just simple things you can do to ensure you stay as healthy as you can be while leading a normal life. What sort of things are we talking about? If you check out these healthy living tips you'll get a detailed list to work through, and we've picked a few to talk about for you.


It's that old routine again: eat sensibly to stay healthy. We all like a take-out once in a while, but when they get too frequent things can start to get out of hand! It's actually surprisingly easy to eat well and stay healthy. 

There are some things you can do to start with that are straightforward such as cutting out microwaved food, and you need to keep on top of your fluid intake. You should be drinking water regularly throughout the day to keep hydrated - we mean water here, not beer or vodka! Alcohol is fine in moderation, but it's another thing that can get out of hand!

You also need to keep away from fatty and starchy foods, eat white meat rather than red, and do get your intake of vegetables and fruits with each meal. Perhaps more than anything, make sure you stick to regular mealtimes as snacking between meals is not a great idea, especially if part of your aim is to lose weight. So, eat sensibly, keep hydrated and don't snack - what's next?

Regular Exercise

That work has many people reeling - exercise! It can sound like torture for some, but we're not suggesting heavy workouts at the gym (unless, of course, that's what you want to do). 

Start with this idea: take a walk for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week. It's exercise, and it's also getting out of the house and into the fresh air. Make you pace a little quicker than normal - call it brisk - and that's plenty exercise for you to start with.

If you're thinking of taking the elevator up to your office, take the stairs instead. For that quick drive to the shops for a loaf of bread or a pint of milk, walk or perhaps ride a bike. 

Any little exercise can help, and when regular it will soon start making a difference. If you do want to start a gym routine, find a local gym with a good reputation, and talk to them about putting together a program for you - you'll find them most helpful.

Fitness in General

For some more ideas we suggest you have a look at these women's health and wellness reviews that cover a whole range of ideas and suggestions. There's something there for everyone and it should give you some great ideas about how to keep fit, stay healthy and remain well. If you don't know where to start, get a notebook and make a list of exercise opportunities such as those we talked about above, and keep up to date with your nutrition intake by making notes.

It isn't always easy to keep up with an exercise and diet routine, but once you start to get into the regularity of a set routine, you will find it becomes a lot easier and you start to feel healthier, more alive and begin enjoying life more readily.