With billions of people opening and sending emails each day, email is an undisputed staple in content marketing. The first step is deciding that you are going to launch an email marketing campaign. The next step is to plant the content. The final step is a clear dispatch and promotion strategy in place. If you are an individual product or service provider or a business owner, chances are you have decided to use email for marketing purposes.

So, the challenge lies in the details of the content. Should you use an email signature generator, what are the ways to entice readers to open your email, does your content intrigue your readers, and so on? When you plan your email marketing campaign, you need to look into all the details and spend equal time in creating the content and dispatching it.

Part of the planning process is also creating compelling content. But how can you do that? To make it easier, here are 8 great tips on writing conversational emails.

Choose an Interesting subject                

The subject is the first thing your readers see in your inbox, along with your sender information. Your content creating efforts will go in vain if your target audience does not open your email. A good email subject line has a big impact on your readers as the whole email body is built on this opening message. 47% of readers open emails solely based on the subject line, so do not take this lightly.

Choose an interesting subject line and make sure it is in sync with the content in your email as you do not want to mislead your readers. An interesting subject line has the ability to attract higher open rates and have the ability to increase your customer base. 

Be personal and honest                 

Part of making a successful email marketing campaign is creating something that is authentic and real. Be personal, be honest, and keep your email real. Your emails are a part of your brand identity, and you want to make sure each email projects your brand in a positive manner. But at the same time, you should also use a direct and friendly tone.

Honesty can be reflected in your copy, but personalizing is a little tricky as it is impossible to send emails individually. Segmentation of your mailing lists is a great way to personalize your content. This way, you get to show different parts of your brand to different people and ensure your clients are getting what they want.

Add email signature             

With companies increasingly focusing on digital marketing, there has been a rise in email signatures as well. An email signature is like a digital business card and more. It can divulge all your contact information, and it can lead prospects to make a call, write a reply, fill in a survey, or whatever it is that your call to action or CTA demands.

(Photo : 8 Great Tips on Writing Conversational Emails)

There are plenty of great options like free email signatures to paid alternatives. Do your homework and choose an email signature provider that has a great design and tracking features. This is something that can truly cement your email marketing efforts, so choose your email signature wisely.

Use simple and easy words           

Email marketing is all about putting the right foot forward, so do not make it complicated. This is not a moment for you to showcase your vocabulary, but rather an opportunity for you to connect with your readers.

Think of the last time you were talking to someone in a professional setting and think of how you talked to them. Though email marketing content is not something you send your buddy, it does not have to sound like a super-serious sales pitch at all times.

Loosen up your email content and let your readers connect with an easy to understand and relatable brand. Keep it simple and avoid fancy words and expressions that limit your brand reach.

Talk about yourself               

Though each email does not have to be a sales pitch, you need to make sure you talk about yourself or your brand and make your presence felt in the email.

For example, if you are sending a thank you email to someone after signing up for your emails, selling in this email is pushy. Instead, you can take this opportunity to talk about your brand or certain practices you are proud of. Start talking about yourself and entice the reader to become a part of your journey as a customer. Tell your customers what you are doing before you encourage them to engage with your products or services.

Build an authentic relationship with each of your prospects and improve your chances of gaining more customers.

Provide a gift               

A value proposition always works in marketing, and this extends to digital marketing as well. Integrate a mechanism to provide a gift. A gift can come in different forms - offer downloadable content, special offer, or other free items. Attaching this gift to a buying decision can encourage your prospect to purchase from your brand.

This strategy is effective in nurturing leads with things like welcome emails. For example, when someone signs up, offer them a discount on their first purchase or if they make a referral. No matter what way you choose, provide a gift at a point in your prospect or customer's journey where you feel this action will trigger sales.

Ask the questions                 

When we talk, we generally find a fine balance between sharing information and engaging our audience by asking for their opinion or checking understanding. Asking questions in emails serves a similar purpose in email marketing. It slows down readers by encouraging them to pause and think. Also, it's a good idea to follow up your questions right away with answers so that your subscribers don't have time to think of a wrong answer. The idea is to intrigue your readers, not misguide or confuse them. Ask the questions and prepare your readers for the answers. This works particularly well before CTAs.

Avoid jargon and emojis



Writing conversational emails does not mean that you write unprofessional emails. Regardless of what you are promoting, things like jargon and emojis are off-limits. Focus on conversational business language to ensure your brand is projected in the right light.

Apart from making your brand appear unprofessional, jargon and emojis are more likely to direct your emails to the spam folder. So, make sure starting from the subject line to the email signature, and everything in between is conversational but professional and does not include jargon and emojis.

Conversational emails have the ability to relax your readers and help them connect with your email marketing efforts without scratching their heads. But, conversational does not mean unprofessional, and you need to keep these tips in mind while writing conversational emails to ensure your efforts put your brand in the best possible light. A conversational email works because it encourages the reader to get what they want.