(Photo : 5 Ways to Create the Perfect Home Office)

More and more people are working from home, which is a good thing. It's been reported that 82% of people have lower stress levels than those who work in a traditional work setting. Also, you can save up to $4,000 a year by working from home because you'll cut back on gas, getting lunch out, parking, coffee on the go, and buying new professional clothing. 

However, you need to create a proper work environment to stay productive and successful. We've put together our top suggestions to create the perfect home office. 

Have a Backup Connection 

One of the luxuries of working from your house is that you get to be comfortable, use your favorite seat, snuggle with your dogs, and use your wifi. 

This is great until the day your connection is weak, and you can't get into a meeting. We all know wifi can be temperamental on the days that it's most important that it works. A backup plan for wifi is broadband, which is what attaches your smartphone to the internet. 

3G or 4G powers broadband connection, and you'll need a link from a provider to access it. For your home office, you can use a hotspot from your smartphone or compare broadband deals for a backup router in your home. 

This will save the day when your wifi connection is down, and you need to login to work. 

Take Advantage of Natural Lighting 

Whenever possible, set up your home office desk next to a window. Natural lighting has tremendous ability to influence your mood, alertness, and productivity. 

Harvard Business Review states that 70% of employees reported work performance improvement when natural light is visible at their desk, and 78% said it helped their wellbeing. 

Sunlight helps provide our bodies with vitamin D and regulates our circadian rhythms, which improves our sleep at night. Vitamin D helps reduce the risk of depression, obesity, and other health conditions. Getting quality rest at night will help you focus better during your work hours. 

One way to do so would be getting good quality blinds from Blindstyle that will block out all the light when you sleep. 

Incorporate Tools for Organization

Although the American Psychological Association does agree that a messy desk promotes creativity, it also leads to making worse decisions. People in dirty rooms were less likely to donate money and choose healthy food items. 

With a clean and organized home office, you'll make better decisions like not procrastinating, and staying focused. You can buy a file cabinet, have pencil holders, a folder organizer, and tidy wires not tangled or in the way. 

Buy Some Plants 

Low maintenance greens like snake plants, aloe vera, and succulents are a great addition to a home office. They'll naturally produce oxygen in the air, which will make you more awake while working. It's been stated that plants help to reduce sickness so you can work at your top performance level. 

Plants help to reduce stress because the color green has a calming effect on our minds. Adding some fresh elements to your workspace will have a significant impact on how you feel and how alert you are. 

Choose a Space Solely Dedicated to Work 

When you're assigned to work from home, your first thought might be that you'll work in your bed or on the couch. This isn't a good idea because there are too many distractions, and your brain associates these places with relaxation. 

Instead, find a corner or room that you're going to dedicate to be your home office. The only activities that take place there should be work-related. This can help to improve focus and your work productivity. 

The Bottom Line 

Home offices are the thing of the future as more of us are working remotely. To continue to stay unbeaten while working from home, use our tips to create a productive space. 

Make sure to have a backup connection source, sit by a window, stay organized, buy some plants for your desk, and dedicate a specific area of your home for your workspace.