(Photo : Florida Cities With The Highest Crime Rates Ranked)

Florida is the third most populated state in the United States. A large population often comes with both merits and demerits.

One of those demerits includes crime. Although statistics show that crime is on the decline in Florida, there are several cities that are considered the most dangerous. They include the following:

Florida City

It has a population of 12,284 and last year was ranked the top in crime rates. Violent crimes reported per 100K were 3,052 whereas property crimes per 100k were 7,123. This shows that Florida city is the most dangerous place in terms of criminal activities.

If you live in Florida, you have 1 in 14 chances of your property being vandalized or stolen. That means a lot of items such as cell phones, prescription bills, and laptops are stolen daily. Besides that, a person living in Florida has 1 in 32 chances of being a victim of violent crime. The situation appears to grow from bad to worse.

Lake city

Lake City is another hotspot when it comes to criminal gangs. The city which has a population of 12,182 people last year recorded 1,214 criminal incidents making it the second most dangerous city in Florida. If you live in Lake City you should know that you have a 1 in 82 chance of being attacked, raped or even killed in a single year.

Opa Locka

Opa Locka is ranked the third most violent city in Florida. It has a population of about 17,000 residents. People here face a 1 in 42 chance of being attacked or their property stolen. Although violent crime has reduced, property crime has significantly risen.

Miami Beach

Last year Miami Beach was ranked 5th in terms of crime. It has a population of close to 100,000 people. Last year more than 800 incidents or crimes were reported and 5 murders in 2018. In Miami Beach, you always have to be on your guard. Residents here have a 1 in 13.4 chance of being mugged, a car broken into or something being vandalized.

Lake park

Lake Park is located on the coast close to North Palm Beach and Mangonia Park. It has a population of 8,716 people and was ranked third last year in violent crime. Although the figures seem high, it is often considered safer than most parts in Florida. The number of property crimes, however, is quite high. If you live in Lake Park you have a 1 in 10.06 chance of your property being stolen.

Panama City Beach

Panama City Beach is ranked as the seventh most dangerous city in Florida as per the latest data. Panama City Beach has a population of approximately 13,000 people. Residents here have a 1 in 13.5 chance of being victims of property crime. There's however a decline in such incidents in the last few months.

In general, the state of Florida records some of the highest numbers of crimes in the country. This simply means that criminal defense is one most sought after services. These attorneys are always on standby to help you with different types of criminal issues.