Barack Obama’s Lucrative Speech To Wall Street Sparks Debate: Focuses Post-Presidency Work On Training New Generation Of Leaders [Report]

Reports have escalated that U.S. Former President Barack Obama will deliver a lucrative speech this September to Wall Street firm. However, even if it was just confirmed, it looks like the former head of state is already caught in a new controversy and issue.

It was just claimed that Barack Obama will give a speech at the Cantor Fitzgerald's health-care conference this September as confirmed by one of his advisers. Moreover, it was also reported that the former president will be paid with an amount of $400,000 for this Wall Street Conference. But his representatives did not anymore give details as to his exact compensation.

According to a report from Washington Post, Barack Obama is expected to deliver speeches from time to time after he left White House months passed. Since his upcoming appearance was already clouded with controversy, his aides assured that whether he will be paid or not, still, the former president will be true to his words and to what he will deliver most especially that this concerns health care.

This news already sparked debate most especially in the social media since it was claimed that he might just be doing this for the sake of raising money. This also reminded people with Hillary Clinton who also spoke before an audience to the Wall Street firm just after she resigned as secretary of the state.

Most especially that this involves Wall Street, some sources as per Fox News were claiming that Former President Barack Obama raised more money last 2008 from the said company than any other candidate in the U.S. history. Despite this claim, still, he was able to successfully pass some of the most important reforms on the company even before the existence of FDR.

Lately, U.S. Former President Barack Obama just delivered a speech sponsored by the University of Chicago and this was considered as his first public appearance after he let White House. Much to the people's dismay, he did not mention anything that has to do with the Trump's administration.

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