21-year-old Lhouraii Li, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, has been dubbed "Bradford Barbie" for her doll-like appearance. Li told the Daily Mail that she spends up to four hours a day recreating the plastic look of the Mattel doll and refuses to leave home without having her makeup completely done.

The nail technician said she uses 14 pairs of eyelashes at a time and a lot of makeup to create the wide-eyed look of the doll.

"I put circle lenses in so it makes your eyes appear larger - then I put eyeliner on and I extend it out was past my actual eye line and I stick together about fourteen pairs of eyelashes," she explained. "I've even shaved my eyebrows and draw them on higher, so it doesn't look too weird when my eyes are big."

Li has started creating YouTube makeup tutorials to teach other women how to look like Barbie and has quickly reached over 6,000 subscribers. Li told the website that she hasn't always been obsessed with the pretty, girly, pink Barbie appearance; at one point she was used to dress in nothing but black, gothic clothes.

She explained that her gothic attire always warranted her with stares and hateful comments and so about four years she began to make the transition from goth to Barbie princess.

"I remember I actually tried to fit at one point and I'd walk down the street and people would still stare at me and point at what I was wearing, so I was like screw it, I was going to dress even crazier," Li said. "Obviously some people say bad things but I kind of switch off from it a lot - I'll look around and everyone will just be staring at me."

Not everyone is completely stunned by her girlish look. Li's boyfriend of four years, Nathen Kent, 24, told the Daily Mail that he loves the look.

"I've known her for the past eight years. When we first met, she was dressed kind of gothic and so was I, but when we met up again after a few years, that's when she dressed like this and it has changed since we've been together."

Li isn't the only "living doll" to become an Internet sensation. 23-year-old Valeria Lukyanova was dubbed the "human Barbie" because of her extremely tiny waist, skeletal frame, enormous eyes and vacant expression. Justin Jedlica, 32, from New York was given the nickname "real life Ken" after he admitted to having more than 125 cosmetic procedures totaling about $158,000 to look like Barbie's male companion.