Nothing could be more adorable than a bunch of cuddly and beautiful pandas. You could see just how tender these creatures are merely by looking at them. And, at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in China, you constantly get a dose of cuteness!

The giant panda is included on the endangered list by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and is protected by China's Wildlife Protective Law. So this home for many of them is a sort of "day care" with a group of people taking care of them. The center also has a specialized breeding unit and nursery for baby pandas. The organization seeks to breed new pandas to revitalize their dwindling population, which is less than 2,000.

Pandas are actually very hard to breed. "A female panda has a single estrous cycle once a year, in the spring, for 2 to 7 of those days, and she's only actually fertile for 24 to 36 hours," according to Pandas International.

No doubt, the Chengdu Research Base may be one of the cutest places on earth!