Nature lover and outdoor enthusiast Darius Sasnauskas has found himself playing surrogate to an injured fawn born in his backyard and abandoned by its mother.

Sasnauskas, originally from Lithuania, has a home just outside of Yellowstone National Park that gives him a great view of all the animals that inhabit the park - including bears that roam through frequently. So, when a deer had twins in his backyard, he watched the sweet new family as they moved across the yard and noticed that one of the fawns kept stumbling and falling over. Finally, she just couldn't go any further and curled up in a ball and laid there, said Hello Giggles, while her brother and mother left her behind.

"The fawn was helpless," Sasnauskas told The Dodo. "She was just born earlier that day, [and] still had some blood on her belly." Once he got over the shock, his compassionate nature took over and he brought the fawn inside and began the necessary steps to get her back to health. Splinting her leg and bottle feeding every four hours around the clock was part of the rehab.

"With so many predators around, she had no chance to survive on her own," Sasnauskas wrote in his video caption. So he brought her home, according to Bored Panda. "I do not support keeping wild animals as pets, but this was [a] special situation."

"[For the] first week, she slept by my bed on my shirt, and the shirt became very important to her," Sasnauskas continued. "She had to have it to be able to sleep."

Sasnauskas brought the little fawn out in the evenings, hoping she would find her family, but each night she returned to her rescue- the man she knew she was safe with - until one night when she spotted her family, felt a surge of bravery and off she went to join them. Sasnauskas sees the family often, running in the wild and said it warms his heart.

"It is [a] very, very good feeling seeing them safe roaming around," he concluded.