A photo has emerged of a family of sheepdogs standing guard for an entire day over a fawn who'd succumbed to a wildfire that ravaged Kamiah in northern Idaho. The fire destroyed 42 homes in the area.

Louis Armstrong took the photo in the morning and then came back several times throughout the day to check on the dogs and the deer. He believes the dogs remained there to keep predators away from the fawn in an act of kindness, according to the Barkpost.

Armstrong was checking out his family's 300 acres after the wildfire ripped through the area when he noticed his neighbor's dogs protecting the body and snapped the photo, The Guardian reported. His family's house was spared thanks to the strong fire lines around it.

Armstrong felt that witnessing the dogs standing guard over the fawn made him note the disparity between the animals' actions and the surrounding scene. "It was really kind of moving. It was beautiful given all the destruction," Armstrong said, according to The Inquisitr.

The dogs appear to be Great Pyrenees, which is a large dog used as a livestock guardian. It appears that the affectionate, normally gentle dogs were doing what they do best, protecting their animal friends.