According to researchers from the University of Chicago, people are more likely to achieve flexible goals, known as "high-low range goal" than single numbered goals.
Goals are set by most people but very few are determined enough to achieve those goals. To make things easier, researchers from the University of Chicago suggest that people should set "high-low range" goals rather than single numbered goals. They conducted a research and found that people who set such goals are more likely to achieve them than people who set single numbered goals.
The study was conducted on people who wanted to lose weight. All participants of the study enrolled in a weight loss program. While one group of participants set high-low range goals like achieving 2-4 pounds weight loss in one week, the other group set single numbered goals like losing 3 pounds in one week. At the end of the program, researchers noticed that the people who had set high-low range goals re-registered for the weight loss program in higher rates than people who set single numbered goals, though the actual weight lost among people across both groups was not significantly different. Similar results were observed in studies pertaining to other goals such as resisting tempting foods, solving puzzles or playing a grocery shopping game.
"Whether a goal is a high-low range goal (lose 2 to 4 pounds this week) or a single number goal (lose 3 pounds this week) has a systematic effect on goal reengagement. High-low range goals influence consumer goal reengagement through feelings of accomplishment, which itself is driven by the attainability and challenge of the goal," write authors Maura L. Scott (Florida State University) and Stephen M. Nowlis (Washington University in St. Louis) in a press release.
The reason given for this is that high-low range goals offer a person "the best of both worlds." While the lower range (2 in the case of the weight loss study) makes the goal seem more attainable, the higher range (4 in the case of the weight loss study) makes the goal challenging. Whereas, setting single numbered goals is perceived as more of a compromise and this makes it less challenging and attainable.
"Consumers are more likely to pursue a goal when they set a high-low range goal instead of a single number goal. Consumers experience a greater sense of accomplishment when a goal is both attainable and challenging, and this makes them want to continue to pursue or reengage their goal," the authors conclude.