Chad Johnson Released From Jail; 'I Did Have Some Time To Reflect On The Mistake I Made' (VIDEO)

Chad "Ochocino" Johnson has been released from jail according to ESPN. The former NFL star was sentenced to 30 days in jail after he inappropriately slapped his attorney on the backside to show he was satisfied with his services.

"I just wanted to apologize for disrespecting the court last time," he said. "I did have time to reflect on the mistakes I made in this court room."

Judge Kathleen McHugh accepted Johnson's apology and granted his request for an immediate release. According to TMZ, the judge reportedly extended Johnson's probation which means "he won't be in the clear until October 16."

Johnson met before the judge weeks prior in respects to his 2012 domestic violence charges. According to the Huffington Post, Johnson head-butted then wife Evelyn Lozada during an argument about infidelity.

"Being married, being a husband, being a lover, was an honor. And I lost that," he said in a statement after the divorce was finalized. "And you know that saying 'You never know what you have until it's gone.' And I finally know what they mean. That someone completed my world, completed me, period."

During the hearing for the player's released, the Judge used this opportunity to remind him of the "horrific" domestic violence incident and reprimand him for him not appreciating "the gift of probation."

Johnson's 30-day sentencing created a frenzy in the entertainment, sports, and legal world as everyone questioned whether the sentencing was an abuse of the judge's power or proper consequences for Johnson's athletic gesture.

"I just feel sorry for him. I know when Chad's being a clown," Cincinnati Bengals' head coach. Marvin Lewis said. "And that wasn't it. He didn't do what he did to get anyone to laugh. That was just a natural reaction from Chad, and it's a shame."

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