New Xbox 360 Looks Like The One; Free Games With Gold Membership

Microsoft confirmed Monday the arrival of a new Xbox One-resembling Xbox 360, according to

The new Xbox is currently available for $199-$300. The 4GB console goes for $199, the 250GB console is $300 and a 4GB Kinect Bundle will also cost $300. Currently Xbox Live Gold members will be able to take their profiles along with them when they make the move the Xbox One.

In addition to the new 360, Microsoft also announced a new download program starting July 1. On the first of next month Xbox Live Gold members will receive two game downloads per month, free of charge, until the Xbox One is released in November. That means a total of at least six free games before the holiday season.

The Xbox 360 made headlines recently after, in an interview, President of Microsoft’s Interactive Entertainment Business Don Mattrick responded to complaints about the Xbox One’s online requirement.

"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity," he told Spike TV. "It's called Xbox 360."

After he was asked by the interviewer, “So stick with 360, that’s your message?” He replied, “Well, if you have zero access to the Internet, that [Xbox 360] is an offline device."

Microsoft got off to a great start compared to Sony after the Xbox One launch event in May. They showed of the One’s ability to Skype while gaming, Snap Mode which lets you easily toggle between tasks and—unlike Sony—they actually showed the world their console.

However, after E3 Sony may have jumped back in front with the PlayStation 4. The PlayStation 4, unlike the Xbox One, is not region locked, doesn’t have restrictions on used games, and is $399, less than the Xbox One at $499.

It seems Microsoft is not done with the 360. So, if they plan to improve it at all, the forecast for 360 users may not be so bleak.

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