No one expects Warner Bros. and Disney to align themselves for a cinematic recreation of the DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe, much less a crazy DC/Star Wars crossover, but thankfully the super cool dudes and dudettes at Machinima has cut past the corporate red tape and nonsense with a "Super Power Beat Down" fan film that features an epic battle between the Dark Knight and Darth Vader.

The premise here is that Batman is searching for Superman who hostage on a "small moon." And if you don't know the line that follows that then you should have your geek card immediately revoked. Batman infiltrates the "small moon" and soon runs afoul of the Dark Lord of the Sith himself. I must say that I got serious fanboy chills upon seeing Batman pull a lightsaber off his utility belt. Not sure I dig the ending though. Excellent stuff otherwise.

Now, I want to see Zack Snyder top this level of badassery in "Batman vs. Superman." Be sure to check out the very cool video below: