Dwight Howard: NBA Player Accused of Hooking Up with High School Girl, Flying Alleged Minor and Friends to Florida? (PHOTOS)

Dwight Howard is caught in the middle of a scandal involving an alleged romantic relationship with an underage girl. According to reports, the Houston Rockets star allegedly flew a young girl and her two friends to Florida.

Photos surfaced of what is said to be Howard in a hotel with the minors. Rumors began swirling a few days ago when a girl named Debbie started posting pictures and text messages alleging that something romantic happened between her and the 28-year-old NBA player.

According to Hollywood Take, Debbie and Howard reportedly got into an argument via text and that's when the girl started leaking text messages and pictures. In the alleged conversation between the two, someone Debbie refers to as Dwight said that she had "played" him.

"U played me. And u don't even know my age. Smh. U think it's a game. I shared things with you that I ain't never told anybody. U claim u ain't have my number but u knew everybody's elses. U wanted to talk to me when u were ready. U ain't say nothing during playoffs. Nothing after playoffs till now," the alleged message from Howard read.

"I saw u everyday sending ig snapchat. But I ain't exist till now," he added.

"I did not play you Dwight and I didn't have your number man I had got a new phone and then figured out how to use icloud that's bold af. I talked to you every time...," Debbie responded (the rest of message was cut off in the screen shot).

According to Hollywood Take, Debbie also tweeted to a friend that "@DwightHoward really aint shit and I need y'all to know that." Her Twitter account has since been deleted. The site claims that Debbie also tweeted about her upcoming graduation, which led many people to believe that she could be a minor. However, it's not clear if Debbie was talking about a high school or college graduation.

So far, Howard has not responded to the allegations. Hollywood Take also claims that the athlete might have been in a relationship with Christine Vest, one of the mothers of his children, when he was allegedly hooking up with Debbie.

You can check out photos here and here.

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