Google Maps is searching for the greatest Pokémon master of all time, but there's a catch.

Before you get too excited, Google's search for the best Pokémon master is an elaborate gag aimed towards diehard fans of the anime series. Google has produced a YouTube video of the fake competition using their Maps app to detail "real" Pokémon locations.

The Google Maps' video description for their Pokémon master reads:

"Dozens of wild Pokémon have taken up residence on streets, amidst forests and atop mountains throughout Google Maps. To catch 'em all, grab your Poké Ball and the newest version of Google Maps for iPhone or Android. Then tap the search bar, "press start," and begin your quest. And, follow Google Maps on Google+, Facebook or Twitter for hints and tips for the most dedicated trainers."

Unfortunately for fans, the company won't be handing out Pokédex, Poké Balls and starter Pokémon in order prepare you for life as a Pokémon master. However, the video is quite entertaining so be sure to check it out below.

According to CNET, Google has been rolling out the April Fool's Day pranks for quite some time:

Google has been known to pull a prank or two -- in recent years more like a dozen -- every April since 2000, with the effort getting seemingly more involved and epic in scope each year. In 2013 alone, Google announced YouTube was shutting down for 10 years to pick a "winning video," debuted a treasure hunt mode for Google Maps, announced a beta launch of a smell-searching product called Google Nose, and released a fake Gmail update that was said to make the product better by making it the color blue.

Interested in becoming a Pokémon master for Google Maps? You have until 2 p.m. PT on April 2 to try and catch 'em all.