Optician Demonstrates Fake Versus Real Solar Eclipse Glasses So You Can Watch Safely Today

Looking directly at the eclipse without proper protection can cause serious and permanent eye damage

Ahead of Monday's total solar eclipse, eye health experts are offering some helpful advice to ensure that you have the proper eclipse glasses to safely watch the celestial wonder.

The eclipse should only be viewed in person with glasses specially designed to protect eyes from harmful ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

But with fake and counterfeit glasses flooding the market, the Ontario Opticians Association released a short video explaining how to tell inadequate glasses from the real deal.

The video compares two pairs of glasses that appear identical at a glance and, according to the group, are both sold on Amazon.

Both pairs even bear an apparent seal of approval from the ISO, or the International Organization for Standardization.

But when looking through both pairs, the difference is as clear as night and day.

One pair allows the wearer to "see everything," with little more than a slightly dark tint.

The other, however, only lets through "a tiny bit of the sun" — a sign of proper protection from the potentially harmful effects.

Failure to use proper protection when looking directly at the eclipse can cause serious and permanent eye damage.

Solar eclipse, Eclipse, Glasses
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