Overcoming back-to-work blues is very challenging for many people. Some employees across the globe are already grinding to improve their careers in hopes of making their lives better.

Overcoming Back-To-Work Blues: How To Motivate Yourself for Productive Work Return
(Photo : Headway on Unsplash)
Overcoming Back-To-Work Blues: How To Motivate Yourself for Productive Work Return

Meanwhile, others are still enjoying their last-minute vacations. If you are still inactive in your job, then you might experience back-to-work blues once you return.

A recent study revealed that over 80% of workers admitted that returning to work after enjoying time off is a drag. They shared some tasks they consider unpleasant, such as the usual job routine, feeling inundated with busy work, and catching up on administrative items.

To help you and other people experiencing or about to experience back-to-work blues, here are some tips you can rely on.

Overcoming Back-To-Work Blues: How To Motivate Yourself

Forbes provided some tips that can help you overcome back-to-work blues and maintain your productivity (or even become more productive) at work. These include the following:

Daily Work Plan 

Make sure to make a plan that you can follow before you return to work. It should include what you need to do before going to work, during work, and after work.

Try New Work Habits

Instead of doing the same things you did at work in the previous year, try doing new things to make your job more exciting.

Focus on the Most Difficult Matters

Before going back to work, identify the most important and time-sensitive tasks and finish them as soon as possible. This will lessen the pressure in the following days so you can try new things at work.

Try Socializing At Work

If you haven't made friends with your colleagues, try socializing with them. You might be surprised how friendships at work can make tasks feel easier and lighter.

Surround Yourself With Things That Bring Joy

If you have your permanent working area, try to bring things that bring joy to you. These could include a photo of your family, one of your toy collections, a picture of your dream house or car, etc.

Read Also: Over 50% of Americans Bring Their Work on Vacations! Here's How to Avoid This Habit

Other Healthy Habits at Work 

Overcoming Back-To-Work Blues: How To Motivate Yourself for Productive Work Return
(Photo : Mario Gogh on Unsplash )
Overcoming Back-To-Work Blues: How To Motivate Yourself for Productive Work Return

Aside from the productivity tips provided above, Safe Work listed some of the healthy habits you can practice at work to improve your career and yourself.
These include the following:

  • Instead of having lunch at your desk, eat outside so you can also breathe fresh air.
  • Instead of buying fast food, try making a healthy lunch at home that you can bring to work.
  • If your company allows it, listen to music since it can lift your mood, improve your mental health, and reduce stress.
  • Take advantage of your regular breaks instead of using them to complete work tasks.

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