The FDA is cautioning people against using generic versions of Ozempic and Wegovy, which are commonly used for weight loss, as they may not have the same ingredients as the original medications and could be dangerous or ineffective.

Unauthorized Use of Semaglutide

This week, officials from the agency stated that they had received reports of issues arising from the use of compounded versions of semaglutide, which is the main ingredient in brand-name medicines. They did not specify the nature of these issues, as reported by APNews.

The issue here is that some versions of semaglutide, which are frequently sold on the internet, contain a form of the drug that is only intended for use in laboratory experiments and has not been authorized for human use.

The notice stated that compounded drugs are not approved by the FDA, and their safety and effectiveness are not verified by the agency.

Sales of semaglutide products, such as Ozempic, Rybelsus, and Wegovy, have increased in recent years due to their ability to promote rapid and significant weight loss. These drugs are manufactured by Novo Nordisk and are used to treat diabetes and obesity.

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CaptJayRuffins) FDA New York field office, Office of Regulatory Affairs

There is a higher demand for medications than what is available. Two drugs, Ozempic and Wegovy, are still on the FDA's list of medications that are in short supply as of May. When drugs are scarce, compounding pharmacies are authorized to create their own versions of the drugs.

The FDA has advised that individuals must acquire drugs containing semaglutide only through a licensed healthcare provider's prescription, and it should be obtained from state-licensed pharmacies or other facilities registered with the FDA.

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The Truth Behind Compounded Medications

The FDA's warning about the dangers of purchasing semaglutide drugs online is crucial for consumers to be aware of, as counterfeit or improperly manufactured drugs can pose serious health risks. Compounded medications may not have undergone rigorous testing and quality control measures that are required by the FDA.

Obtaining medication from unlicensed sources could result in receiving a different drug altogether than what was ordered. This is why it is important to only obtain medications through licensed healthcare providers who can ensure their safety and effectiveness.

The FDA's warning about semaglutide drugs highlights the need for consumers to be cautious when buying medication online.

Semaglutide is a prescription drug used in treating type 2 diabetes and obesity-related issues like weight loss management. Counterfeit versions of this drug can contain harmful substances or incorrect dosages that could lead to adverse effects such as heart attacks, strokes, kidney problems, and other life-threatening conditions.

Ultimately, taking care of one's health requires diligence in obtaining necessary treatments through legitimate sources while avoiding potentially dangerous alternatives found outside regulated channels at all costs.

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