The Following Season 2 Spoilers: Ryan Hold Lily's Son for Ransom

As of right now, there are only a handful of people (at least to our knowledge), who are aware Joe Carroll is alive. However, one more person may find out Joe is not-so-dead - and it may cause a problem.

According to, an author played by Sprague Grayden ("Paranormal Activity 2", "Paranormal Activity 3"), is going to try to force to Ryan into admitting Joe isn't dead. She had profited off the Joe Carroll story. Unless Ryan gives up everything he knows, she'll go public with the fact Joe didn't die.

During last week's episode, it appears Mike also realized Joe Carroll is alive. He looked at the surveillance footage provided by some of his co-workers and recognized the serial killer even with the beard. However, Mike kept his suspicions to himself.

According to a sneak peek provided to EOnline, Mike is going to join to Team Ryan. Why? Because Mike thinks there's a mole at the FBI. It seems the new Team Ryan will do pretty well for themselves.

As the video shows, Max, Ryan and Mike have captured Luke. They call Lily and pose a trade - Joe for Luke. So who will Lily choose, the man she's obsessed with or her son? Just to make sure Lily knows he means business, Ryan says if she doesn't give up Joe, he will kill Luke like he killed one of her other sons (not Mark) and Gisele.

Will Lily have a plan to get back Luke and keep Joe? Will Mike and Ryan butt heads again, even though they seem to be on the same team for now? Who do you think the Mole is?

"The Following" airs Mondays at 9/8c on FOX.

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