Military analyst Bill Roggio said that the Russian offensive's allegedly failing images are inaccurate and are the west's delusional thinking.
He warned that if the western powers are not more critical, they will eventually lose Ukraine. The fact that the Ukrainians are winning is a jaded view that disguises the US and NATO officials aren't treating it more seriously.
West Fails To Understand the Conflict
Bill Roggio, a senior fellow from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and editor of its Long War Journal, served from 1991 to 1997 in the US Army and New Jersey National Guard as his credentials for this analysis.
Roggio added that the west is looking through colored glasses of victory in Kyiv, which is not final yet, reported the Daily Mail.
An underdog complex is at play with an overpowered Ukrainian defender that has to claim the Russian bit off more than they can chew, simplistic claims that Vladimir Putin has lost it, which aren't realistic at all but propaganda. One idea is that the Russian blitzkrieg ended the conflict faster, though a follow-on strategy is devised to make up if the hammer blow does not work.
The military analyst warned that the Russian leader should not be discounted when the west did not take him seriously, and this is the sorry result of that, cited Michael Savage, Now is the time to be more aware of how things can go sideways in war.
Pentagon officials are not using the proper process to deal with the Ukraine conflict, letting personal judgment be swayed by sympathy and emotions, which led to the loss of Afghanistan.
They incorrectly judged with two days of the rollout of the Russian offensive; briefs by the US State Department of Defense make hasty claims as a win for the Ukrainians, noted the military analyst.
US Department of Defense says the Moscow offensive was unsuccessful because Kyiv, the capital, has not fallen under Russian control. After the debacle of Afghanistan, the Biden administration and their military professionals are too naïve of the outcome.
This might be a repeat of the past when the US and Western alliance have not learned from previous errors, offering too simplistic an analysis of the one-sided assault.
Russia Expected a Quick Ukraine Defeat
Western sources reported that Vladimir Putin would overthrow Kyiv, fearing Russian armor and forces over the front. Next, the Kremlin failed by not giving a knockout blow, and Volodymyr Zelensky is fighting a propaganda war on social media.
The Russian leader wanted a quick defeat of the Ukrainians, but he did not depend on his bombastic salvo. Believing in that concept is not the case. A long strategy will suffice if the blitz attack does not work. It is the same plan used by America during the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Just like the US opening strike on Saddam and his leaders, it did not go as planned, but they continued a campaign to go after him with boots on the ground. It was the same with Moscow ordering full-on invasion and assault as the US before, Putin reminded Washington of it. Waging a mechanized campaign will be resource and time-intensive, and everything needs to be coordinated.
The Russian assault in several places and the proper forces followed up systematically running down Ukraine. Putin and company are serious in this Russian offensive, noted Roggio, a military analyst, who thinks NATO and the US are too premature. The problem is that lack of boots on the ground that the allies fear risking.
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