Chinese Submarines are hiding in the South China Sea SCS), where they can lurk as Part of Beijing's strategy. It enhances the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) threat, militarising the South China Sea and making the area a potential powder keg.

In this area, the reefs have been built on military bases that project China's power in the region. They serve as areas for setting up a choke point to control the area.

China hides subs under SCS as a defense plan

Beijing has been bolstering its fortifications in the South China Sea in readiness for an attack on the territorial areas which it occupies.

An expert in the affairs of Xi's regime asserts that it proves to be a significant threat to the stability of the SCS 

Bill Hayton, an associate Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Programme at Chatham House, had some statements about why they behaved this way. As a defense plan, it intends to "hide" nuclear submarines in the disputed waters, reported the Express UK.  

He added that the Chinese regime has an objective in the South China Sea, stressing that Beijing's conviction that the rocks and reefs inside this nine-dash line belonged to the People's Republic of China is at the core of their moves.

It is said that historical research has shown that it is not valid. China didn't claim the rocks and reefs in the southern part of the sea until World War II (WW2). Even the ancient historical claim is hogwash and erroneous.

Beijing is hell-bent on ruling and controlling this area and using military force to do it. Part of China's retaliation is by hiding their submarines under the South China Sea.

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Chinese aggression in the Indo-Pacific

One of the reasons for placing their submarines armed with nuclear missiles in these depths is for hiding. They are intent on using it as a staging area for nuclear retaliation.

But Hayton said there might be more reasons that are just as ominous.

Reports say that they have also been suspected of constructing an "Underwater Great Wall" or sonar array in the South China Sea's territorial seas on purpose to eavesdrop on neighboring nations.

Satellites have images of these spy gear covering the South China Sea to keep watch over the US Navy in severe crisis. This sonar array will listen into the ocean and alert the Chinese forces as well.

The group CSIS Asian Maritime Transparency Initiative discovered the spy array is linked to China's Infonet called the Blue Ocean Information Network.

Forbes stated these arrays made with different sensors on them to scan for specific signals or frequencies to main passive monitoring of any activity in the net.It is close to the Paracel and Spratly Island, extending how fair radar will be in the SCS. It will detect any activity approaching their control territories.

Information suggests that a sonar array is placed at 2,000 meters below sea level to keep looking for approaching subs.

Recently, Manila sent a formal protest over the confiscation of fishing devices by the Chinese in a lagoon near the claimed territory.This incident was reported to have happened in the Scarborough Shoal, about three months back in 2012, where China claimed fishing stocks.

It only reinforces that Chinese Submarines are hiding in the South China Sea and keeping other nations away server to allow no one to monitor what Beijing is doing.

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