Acting Capitol Police Chief, Yogananda Pittman, says that a wall around Capitol Building should keep Congress members secure. This is after the Capitol Police failed to secure it on January 6.
After the Capitol incident, the building itself is ringed by fences to prevent large groups of people from causing chaos again.
Fencing in the Capitol Building
According to Chief Pittman, a wall is needed to protect the Congress members better after the incidents of unknown breachers who penetrated and caused trouble. The DEMS were furious and alleged there is a plot against them.
Pittman said in a statement that before September 11, 2001, an opinion by security specialists said a lot more is needed to secure the U.S. Capitol. Another argument surfaced in 2006 that then suggested a fence surrounding the compound of the Capitol Building. Citing these proofs why walling in is the solution for the DEMS who initiated new security procedures.
Beefing up the security
Pittman said that more additions to security measures might not be enough. The inclusion of a permanent fence will be a better solution for more security measures. Last will be the troops to back up the Capitol force if needed.
After the happenings on January 6, the Capitol and National Guard barriers stationed in the District of Columbia are different. Also, fences with barbed wire encircled the building that is still there since ex-President Trump left the White House.
The nation's Capital city is crawling with numerous guards' men still on station. Information from administration officials said that they would stay until mid-march. One purpose is to keep law and order which the Dominant party impeaches their former commander-in-chief.
Also read: Capitol Police Chief Apologizes for Being Unprepared During the January 6
Bowser is against a permanent wall
Pittman's statement was not acceptable to some sectors in the capital. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser disagreed and stated that it was not a sound idea. She posted her tweet on Twitter.
1/ Based on conversations with federal partners, there are some potentially volatile events upcoming that will require extra security. Fencing and the presence of troops will be a part of that. But we will not accept extra troops or permanent fencing as a long-term fixture in DC.
— Mayor Muriel Bowser (@MayorBowser) January 28, 2021
Bowser added that upcoming events and consultation with federal agencies would need extra security to keep volatile events from chaos. Adding that fencing and additional troops are part of the measures. She stressed that having extra troops stationed full time or a foreboding fence is not accepted as permanent.
The DEMS mayor mentioned the fencing will stay there but will be taken out in time.
All the fencing surrounding the White House and Capitol buildings will be removed just like businesses taking down the covers in time.
Time for the Guard to leave Washington
The National Guard's stay should have been until the inauguration ends, but the DEMS want them to stay longer. Several Republican lawmakers punctuated the Guard should be deployed back to their states but, they should be informed of what comes next.
A statement done by eleven Republicans gave a letter to the U.S. Army acting Secretary John Whitley. The Guard has been stressed and subjected to many trials like the pandemic, riots by identified groups, disasters, and even prepared for overseas deployment. They criticized how the men and women of the Guard are used.
GOP Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas is a vet and speaks for them; they should leave. Pittman argues the wall around Capitol Building is the best solution.
Related article : Senator Tom Cotton says National Guard not Needed, Democrats Should Send them Back