Joe Biden is not the president-elect as the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies shot down a resolution for that. So, him using the title has no meaning whatsoever in any capacity as Donald Trump is still the President.

Despite all the questions about his connections and the US's current chaos, the media has used that title.

The response as the JCCIC or the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies thumbed down a resolution to officialize the title sought by Joe Biden. According to the Republicans, saying it was ill-timing as his votes are considered illegitimate, and most say they voted for Trump, reported The Epoch Times.

Citing the President's activities that included lawsuits and questioning how Biden got more votes on November 3 was the sentiment of the bipartisan panel that felt it was inappropriate to acknowledge Biden's request. At some point, his group threatened action if the transition would not start, despite the fraud charges.

On the panel are three Republicans and Democrats from both the House and Senate. It includes House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Sens. Roy Blunt, and Amy Klobuchar. Both parties are deciding on most issues until the inauguration.

They (GOP) are clear on their stand not to acknowledge the premature request with many election processes to follow. Least of all is for the end to show the controversial ex-VP was not voted through fraudulent means as the constitution or law demands. There is no president-elect until that time when election controversy is proven to be false.

Also read: Michigan Poll Observer Claims Military Ballots Were Xerox Copies Marked Biden

Speaking to reporters, McConnell noted that the Electoral College meets to elect the President on December 14.

McConnell stressed to reporters that the Electoral College decides who the President will be on December 14, mentioned Fox6.

Blunt pointed out several facts that the ex-VP should understand; here they are.

The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies cannot decide ahead of the electoral process and who wins. Another interpretation is that the JCCIC is no shortcut for anyone to be recognized. All requirements must satisfy legitimate votes.

 This body will do the planning to have safe Inaugural Ceremonies in a tense pandemic situation. Stressed no sides would be taken by any members and focus on the task to complete soon.

According to McConnell, it will be weekly meetings for the body until the Electoral College will convene on the 14th and choose the next one in the Oval Office on January 20.

Hoyer expressed misgivings over the defeat of Biden's demand that did not follow the process, as the GOP's shooting it down.

 Media got a statement from Hoyer stating that the Republicans do not accept the controversial Joe Biden and his chosen VP that struck him as unusual despite protocols in the process. It seemed to be picked up by the media that calls Biden that term.

Hoyer calls the GOPs consideration of President Trump as post-election tantrums, but it is interpreted differently on the other side of the board.

According to the committee, Joe Biden is not president-elect until the election controversy is cleared. But, it seems the DEMS see differently.

 Related article: Trump Campaign Asks Court for Due Process in Michigan Election