After the positive results of the President and the First lady, Jill pulled Joe Biden from reporters. Despite the fact that everyone was wearing masks and observering social distancing.

 On Monday, when the couple was in Delaware, the Democrat presidentiable was supposed to entertain reporters and talk to them. But his wife chooses to discontinue his intention to talk to them. She took him away to avoid getting the coronavirus, for his safety, reported Daily Mail.

The Biden campaign has always adhered to rules in avoiding transmission. On this day, he was not allowed to talk.

 The destination is the sortie in Florida, one of the key states he needs to get the most votes. Biden needs to talk to reporters in safer surroundings.

However, when he started talking to reporters, his wife epulls him away abruptly without warning or explanation. Even the former VP was surprised, as the reporters who were left hanging. 

It was overheard that he apologized for what he did. His wife repositioned the future POTUS who apologized cryptically too. Whatever the reason for the sorry, it would be left to speculation, reports Independent.

For all intents, talking to the press should not have been a problem. All had facial covering as required by anyone close to the former VP. Overall, the incident was odd too. Both Bidens had been tested for any infection by COVID-19 last Monday.

Why did Jill Biden do what she did despite the precautions?

 After questions, if he'll debate Trump, Biden said that he will definitely be at Miami October 15, but on the condition if it is safe to attend. More concerns about his advanced age is a big consideration, mentioned US News.

Also read: Biden Messes Up with Numbers Again Saying 200 M Died From COVID-19, Teleprompter Needed?

Punctuating that science will say if it is safe, as well as scientists too. The next conclusion is that everything will be okay. Biden added that he'll do what the experts say is the best course of action.

Inevitably, he was asked to comment about the Trump stunt outside the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. He went out to see his supporters even if he is sick. But he instead dropped his usual severe criticism of Trump. Mentioning he did not want to say anything about the president's health, stressing it is the doctor's prerogative not his to say, cited Washington Post.

Last Monday night, Biden attended the NBC town hall in Florida. He was not so concerned about getting COVID-19. Thinking he was safe from getting it, as Trump was under treatment from the bug.

 When Trump debated Biden last Tuesday in Cleveland, he might have been infected by that time with COVID-19. In an interview, he told Lester Holt of NBC that he was not too worried over that, mentioned The Guardian. The Democrat is strict about his social distance from other people.

 At some point, he took snipes at the conduct of the presidential family. He said that all family members present had their masks removed. Seeing so many without masks on in the Trump family and allies were not good.

Biden had a lot to say about not wearing masks and did not care for those not wearing one. When Biden got pulled by his wife, all had masks on. 

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