Coffee dates are generally the more economical form of socializing with friends or colleagues, but if you want to hang out with Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook, be prepared to fork out at least $580,000 for the meeting.

The auction for coffee with Cook, is part an "executive-one-on-one" auctions supporting the RFK Center for Justice & Human Rights which has almost 60 business executives and 100 celebrities.

As of Friday afternoon, there are 81 auctions placed with the minimum for the next bid placed at $585,000.

The winner of the charity auction will travel at their own expense to Apple headquarters in Palo Alto, California to meet with Cook for 30-60 minutes over coffee on a mutually agreed upon date.

The winner must sign a non-disclosure agreement so no tweeting or blogging about the chat. Bidding ends May 14th.

Robert DeNiro, Ben Affleck, Jay Leno, Alec Baldwin and John Mayer are just a few of some of the celebrities who are offering meet-and-greets either on set or privately.