Police Search For 'Swiss Cheese Pervert' On The Loose In Philadelphia

Police in Philadelphia are searching for a man whom several woman accused of asking them to perform sexual favors using a slice of Swiss cheese.

The man, nicknamed the "Swiss Cheese Pervert," drives up to unsuspecting women with his genitals exposed, the Philadelphia Daily News reported Monday. With a slice of Swiss cheese in his hand, the man offers money to the women in exchange for performing sexual acts using the cheese on his penis.

The Mayfair Special Victims Unit began an investigation after several women filed complaints involving a man with similar descriptions.

Police said the reports described a man with a "major sexual cheese fetish."

"I understand that people may think this is funny, but this is no laughing matter," Milt Martelack, senior advisor of the Mayfair Town Watch, told the Philadelphia Daily News. They posted a warning about the "Swiss Cheese Pervert" on their Facebook page.

"We've had a couple individuals reach out to us," Martelack said. "We're taking this matter very seriously, and we're working vigorously with police to get this guy off the streets."

One woman told NBC News she was sitting at a traffic light on Henry Avenue in December 2013 when she encountered the "Swiss Cheese Pervert."

"He told me he liked to put Swiss cheese on his private area," Priscilla, who wanted to keep her last name private, told NBC News.

According to another woman's report, the Swiss cheese lover has been propositioning women for years. Gabby Chest told the Philadelphia Daily News about a conversation with a "really strange guy" she had on the online dating site OkCupid in July 2012.

"He said he was looking for someone to perform masturbation on him with cheese. He kept saying how strong his urges were and how desperate he was to find someone to help him with them," Chest told the Philadelphia Daily News.

Chest sent the Philadelphia Daily News an excerpt of the man's message describing how he developed his cheese fetish.

"I started to compare girls to cheese due to their milky complections (sic), girls are soft, smooth feeling and tend to like dairy products more," the man wrote.

According to the Mayfair Town Watch, the "Swiss Cheese Pervert" is a stout man in his late 40s or early 50s, the Philadelphia Daily News reported. He drives a silver or black-colored sedan.

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