6-Year-Old Boy Suspended for Kissing Classmate's Hand Has Sexual Harassment Claim Reversed, School District Officials Rename Incident Act of 'Misconduct'

Following a storm of negative media attention, Colorado school district officials have decided to reverse the sexual harassment claim tacked onto one 6-year-old boy's record after he kissed his classmate's hand.

First grade student Hunter Yelton's story sparked anger and questions of legitimacy from the public, after news was released on Tuesday that the Canon City school had suspended him for kissing a schoolmate he described as his "girlfriend."

He was accused of sexually harassing the girl at the time.

On Wednesday night, Canon City Schools Superintendent Robin Goodly reportedly met with Hunter's family, and decided to change Hunter's classification from "sexual harassment," to "misconduct."

The 6-year-old was allowed to attend classes the next day at the Lincoln School of Science and Technology, CNN reported.

Hunter Yelton's mother Jennifer Saunders told KRDO on Tuesday that the boy's behavior might have been out of line with class conduct, but it didn't warrant such a harsh classification.

"This is taking it to an extreme that doesn't need to be met with a 6-year-old," Saunders stated. "Now my son's asking questions, 'What is sex, mommy?'"

Hunter described the events to the station on Tuesday.

"It was during class, yeah," he said. "We were doing reading group and I leaned over and kissed her on the hand. That's what happened. They sent me to the office, fair and square. I did something wrong and I feel sorry."

Hunter has reportedly been suspended in the past for kissing the same classmate on the cheek, in addition to fighting with other students.

"We've been working with him with the classroom disruption," Saunders admitted. "He was grounded for a while. Big restrictions."

Hunter chalked it up to being young and distracted.

"I have a lot of energy," he shrugged. "I mean, six year olds. They have a lot of energy."

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