The generous mystery tipper who orders a drink called the Patron Bourdou Gimlet for $102 has been found out as Jack Selby, the former PayPal vice president, according to
Selby has been leaving waiters and waitresses tips in the amount of the bill times one hundred, amounting to over $50,000 already given away, Yahoo reported.
The bills have been photographed and posted on Instagram after the check is stamped with the handle @tipsforjesus, according to Yahoo. The tagline of the account reads: "Doing the Lord's work, one tip at a time."
Selby was discovered in New York City by a waiter when he and two others gave Aruj Dhawan, a waiter at Bo's Kitchen, a $1,000 tip on a check that totalled $111.05, according to the New York Post.
"As I was about to drop the check off, one of the men said they would 'make my night.' They called me over, gave me the check," Dhawan told the Post. "I was amazed ... I was just really thankful."
At Bo's Kitchen, a restaurant located in the neighborhood of Chelsea, tips are pooled among the workers, which left everyone happy the night Selby and his friends came in, according to the Post.
The manager at Bo's, Benjamin Cramer, asked the gentleman why they tipped so much. Selby responded "Just because. We tip a hundred times the bill," the Post reported.
This tip, in which Selby was found out, wasn't the largest amount compared to others.
Check's stamped with the "Tips for Jesus" stamp have seen a $3,500 tip on a check of $391.95 at the Smith, a restaurant and bar near the Lincoln Center; a $7,000 tip was left on a $2,994.61 check at the NoMad in Midtown Manhattan, according to Yahoo.
Tips for Jesus gained notoriety back in September when a $3,000 tip was left on a bill of $87.88, followed by another $2,000 tip on a check totalling $215, and then another $5,000 tip on a $214 check, Yahoo reported.