"The Originals" has come to its first ever midseason break and the fall finale gave us four things to look forward to in 2014:

No. 1-The make-shift Scooby gang

One of the funniest moments of this episode was watching Hayley recruit Josh and Davina to help her fight Klaus. Think about it, a pregnant werewolf, a teenage witch and a timid vampire. It sounds like the beginning to a really bad (or really hilarious) supernatural sitcom. Josh and Davina aren't sure they can trust Haley but it should be fun to see how they work together. Judging by the end of the episode, Cami might join the group which would add a confused human to the aforementioned trio. Like I said, bad sitcom.

No. 2-Cami, innocent no longer

When we return in January, Davina will have undone Cami's compulsion and she will no longer be innocent to the supernatural world. It will be interesting to see what Cami and Davina will do next, how Klaus will react and how Cami will cope now that she knows about vampires, witches and werewolves.

No. 3-Klaus decision concerning his family

Klaus finally has the chance to find connections to his birth father but he seems like he is neglecting to do so. However, we know the writers aren't going to introduce the possibility of meeting Klaus' real father and just ignore it. So, how long do you think it will be before we meet Papa Klaus? Provide your theories below.

"The Originals" airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.