In an effort to generate some money for charity, Microsoft is auctioning off a second white Xbox One for people located in the United States. The last time we saw talk of a white Xbox one happened when it was revealed that a select number of them were being developed exclusively as gifts for Microsoft employees directly involved with the development of the console. However, it seems the limited edition console is lending its rare image to a good cause

The auction, which is running through eBay, has a high bid of $11,300 as of Tuesday afternoon. This white Xbox One model is the only one that will be available to the general public in the U.S. However, if you don't have the disposable income to drop upwards of $11,000 on a rare next-gen console you need not fear as there's nothing stopping Microsoft from releaseing white Xbox One models for general public consumption at some point in the future after the November 22 launch. As of now though, there are no plans to offer any color other than the standard black.

100 percent of the income from the sale of the white Xbox One will go to the Wounded Warrior Project. This charity is devoted to helping wounded veterans and service members assimilate back into society.

Microsoft auctioned off another white Xbox One in Europe last week. Unfortuntately there were problems with suspicious bids on the auction's initial listing. The console was posted again purchased for 5,000 GBP (about $7,958 according to IGN).

The consoles come with the same "I MADE THIS" inscription found on the systems being given to Microsoft employees as gifts. The highest bidder for this Xbox One will also receive a year of Xbox Live Gold and a copy of each game in Microsoft's first-party launch lineup. This includes: "Forze Motorsport 5," "Ryse," "Dead Rising 3," "Killer Instinct," "Project Spark" and "Crimson Dragon."

For more information on the Wounded Warrior Project you can find it HERE.