Rob Kardashian: Subway Looking To Bring Reality Star On As Next Weight Loss Spokesperson? (REPORT)

Rob Kardashian has been struggling with his weight for over a year now and a recent health scare has him wanting to start the new year off on a healthier note, as HNGN previously reported. After being rushed to the hospital following Christmas weekend, Kardashian was diagnosed with diabetes and the news was not only a shock, but a wake up call. With so many weight loss options and programs out there, one particular brand might be interested in bringing him on board as their new weight loss spokesperson since they are currently in dire need of a new one.

Subway sandwiches is reportedly looking to bring the 28-year-old reality star on as their new spokesperson since their old one, Jared Fogle, who was surprisingly successful when it came to losing weight with the sandwich diet, was recently involved in an underage sex scandal and is currently serving a 15-year prison sentence.

"We all know the days of Jared are forever gone and that leaves a very big hole in a pitchman with the Subway brand. Subway has been having discussions and would like to see if working with Rob would be a fit to not only help him get healthy but possibly have him become the next weight loss success story and pitchman for Subway," a source told Hollywood Life. "Rob would obviously have to lose the weight and do the work but Subway is interested in being a part of his success. It is something that could benefit both of them in the long run."

Even though his recent scare may have been a wake-up call health-wise, Kardadhian still has plans to stay out of the public eye and shut everyone out, as he has been for the past year. "Even after his medical scare, Rob acts like he wants nothing to do with the world," a source told People. "He doesn't respond to texts from people that are genuinely concerned and checking up on him."

He is back living with his sister Khloé and the entire family has plans to help him deal with his situation once the holidays are completely over since a lot of them are away on vacation at the moment. "The family will come up with a new plan when the holiday is over and everyone is back in L.A.," the source added. "They are of course very concerned about rob and have been for a long time."

Rob Kardashian, Subway
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