Bohemian Interactive, the Czech-based game developer, will release Arma 3's story campaign in three chunks in the coming months. The first campaign episode, Survive, was unveiled by the game developer, Thursday.

 The militant action game was launched in September but unfortunately did not include a story campaign.  Bohemian Interactive announced prior to the game release that the developer will be releasing the story campaign in three phases as DLCs that can be downloaded for free of cost, according to recent post on Gamesspot. The other two campaigns Adapt and Win will be released soon.

Survive- the first story campaign episode deals with the character Ben Kerry, who is stationed in the Republic of Altis & Stratis as part of a NATO peacekeeping mission. The player has to put himself in the shoes of Kerry as a regular solider fighting against the CSAT splinter groups. "Our first campaign episode, 'Survive', introduces players to Ben Kerry, a regular soldier who's part of a NATO peacekeeping mission in the Mediterranean. Following a couple of years of uneasy cease-fire, this US-led deployment is now in the process of a staged drawdown," said Jay Crowe, creative director of Arma 3 in a statement. The vacuum left by withdrawing forces is being rapidly filled by the opposing CSAT faction, creating the conditions for, one might say, a flashpoint." 

Alongside the story mapping, the Survive campaign will add to the content to the game. The players will get to see new weapons, animations, 3D objects and scripted modules. The game developers also disclosed plans to include more features with increasing number of vehicles in the upcoming story campaigns. "Of course, it's not just about our own story, but another opportunity to provide yet more building blocks for the platform - new weapons, animations, 3D objects, scripted modules - each designed to grant content creators even greater freedom to create and share their own content. Looking forward to the forthcoming episodes, we'll continue to expand Arma 3's sandbox with additions such as new vehicles," Crowe added, reports PCgamers.

Arma 3 basically is an open shooter action game having a time frame set in 2030s and the player gets to play as a solider of the NATO forces against Eastern armies led by Iran.