Apple has filed a patent that it believes will end the problem on iPhone screen cracks.

In the company's goal to help customers protect their gadgets, Apple's future gadgets shall have retractable "bumpers" in the front corners of its devices that will extend whenever the phone senses that it is falling.

If the phone then lands with the screen face down, these bumpers will stop it from hitting the floor and becoming damaged, according to the Daily Mail.

"Active Screen Protection for Electronic Device" is the name of the new technology in its patent paperwork. It also gives details on how the "bumpers" and sensors will work to make sure they can fully protect an iPhone screen from cracking during a "drop event."

"When the sensor detects a drop event, the screen protectors move from the retracted to extended position, functioning as a shock absorber and preventing the screen from connecting with a surface that the electronic device contacts," according to the patent, The Inquistr reported.

The supposedly small and cheap accessory aims to make customers feel more confident in using their Apple devices. The patent has yet to be approved, so there is still no word as to when Apple iPhone users can get their hands on the accessory, according to Mirror.