(Photo : Photo by LOIC VENANCE/AFP via Getty Images)
Piles of trash in France

A Pennsylvania woman says that she "needs help" after her hoarding problem escalated to the point that debris has spilled out of her home and over the fences that separate her property from her neighbors.

Janice Stemler, who resides in the Pittsburgh suburb of Plum Borough, told reporters that it's "understandable" that her neighbors are frustrated with the piles of furniture, broken televisions and carpets that fill her front yard.

"They don't like the view," she told KDKA. "It's not good for the neighborhood, which is understandable."

Stemler says that she intends to resell the items on her property, but others in the area characterize the objects as garbage that is creating a health hazard and attracting rats.

"It's an eyesore. Disgusting to look at. I keep the front blinds of my home closed," neighbor Debbie Wilson told KDKA.

Plum's Mayor, Harry Schlagel, also visited the property, and said that from the town's end, nothing can really be done.

"We are stuck," Shalgel said to KDKA, "We are frustrated. We want to help her and the community, but we can't. We don't have any jurisdiction to go out there and just take her property. "