(Photo : JUAN BARRETO/AFP via Getty Images)
Russian President Vladimir Putin urges to test a terrifying 16,000 mph missile that could strike Ireland in just a matter of minutes.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has requested that a terrifying 16,000 mph missile be tested. If launched, the missile would take just six minutes to reach Ireland.

Satan-2, a behemoth-sized intercontinental ballistic missile, is likely to be tested in the upcoming month with a launch date set for before the end of December.

Russia's Satan-2 Missile

The declaration was made in response to probable delays in the use of the "unstoppable" hypersonic missile known as Sarmat in Moscow under Vladimir Putin. The Satan-2 missile may be completely deployed by next year due to concerns over the admission that Russia "may" conduct another test, according to the Daily Star.

The Kamchatka region was instructed to be ready for a launch, and tests of the Sarmat missile were supposed to take place in June of this year. Then-Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin stated: "We are entirely on track. We are getting ready for the second flight test of the Sarmat."

Just one month after making his June 25 remark, Rogozin was sacked for unspecified reasons. One defense expert and commentator says that the readiness of Russian Satan missiles for combat action is "dubious" in light of the failure to launch.

"In this context, the veracity of the statements bandied around by Rogozin - that Sarmat is in [serial] production and is likely to be deployed on ["combat duty'] - look doubtful," defense analyst Leonid Nersisyan said.

Early in July, Rogozin, the leader of Roscosmos at the time, paid a visit to the "Doomsday Plant," where the Satan-2 is being assembled. At the time, Putin bragged that "nearly 50" Sarmats would be ready for deployment in actual combat, but just one test from this year's April has been conducted.

Following prior boasts that Satan-2, as the West refers to it, which is the size of a 14-story tower block, will be completely deployed by the end of the year, it has now been revealed that it "may" undertake a second test. There will be further grounds for mistrust as a result of the new, less-than-concrete announcement that the hypersonic Armageddon missile is being delayed embarrassingly.

Immediately after its initial test, which took place on April 20, with Putin in contact via video connection, it was revealed to considerable enthusiasm. Satan-2 was launched from a silo at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia. Nearly 50 Satan-2 missiles that were in "bulk production" and were at the time, according to Dmitry Rogozin, the former head of Roscosmos and a close supporter of Vladimir Putin, would soon be in use in war.

Early in June, a significant ICBM test was planned, and residents in the vicinity of the Kura test range were advised to avoid the distant Kamchatka target site. However, this test never took place.

According to Mirror, the Kremlin had promised Rogozin a new post, but it had not yet materialized when he was sacked the following month for an unspecified reason. Despite rumors that he would serve as Putin's personal agent for the newly acquired territories of Ukraine, he has lately been spotted in the conflict zone but does not have a new position.

Ex-deputy prime minister Yury Borisov, who succeeded him at Roscosmos, reiterated the assertion that the missile is in mass production in July without, apparently, mentioning Putin's target of having Satan-2 in combat by December. In accordance with international accords, Russia agreed last month to permit US experts to assess the missile, but only by February 2024.

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Russia Plans to Use Nuclear Weapon Against Ukraine

Rogozin promised there would be "a few additional tests to show the system's conformity with the technical specifications set by the principal client-the Defense Ministry" back in April, following the initial launch. Later, he drew attention to a 26-foot-deep hole left by a missile without a nuclear payload during testing at the Kura test site, as per Daily Mail.

However, the official boasting about Sarmat has evidently stopped, with the exception of state-run propaganda TV programs where threats are frequently made to use it or the fast underwater drone Poseidon to attack the West.

The news organization RIA FAN stated today that it "assumed" a second test will be conducted from Plesetsk to Kamchatka, similar to the first test in April. According to US authorities, senior Russian military commanders talked about when and how they would deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine last month.

Vladimir Putin was not asked about utilizing the weapons, but their conversations have made people more worried about the possibility of a nuclear Armageddon. Putin earlier this month made light of the potential for nuclear war. When asked to reassure a crowd at the Valdai Discussion Club think tank that the world is not in danger of nuclear destruction, the head of the Kremlin opted to react with a protracted pause.

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