(Photo : Dr. Jejurikar)

Have you spent years following a restrictive diet or killing yourself at the gym, but you've still got stubborn fat pockets you just can't quit? Do you notice bulges in certain areas of your body that haven't diminished, even though you've reached your goal weight? Well, you're not alone. Especially if you've carried children, you'll likely discover that some fat bulges won't go away, regardless of how healthfully you eat or how often you work out. Once, you could only get rid of these "problem" areas with invasive surgeries. But, today, Dr. Sam Jejurikar can help you target unwanted fat deposits with a group of procedures called non-invasive body contouring. Let's take a closer look. 

What is non-invasive body contouring, and how does it help with unwanted fat? 

This type of treatment refers to several different options for targeting areas of unwanted fat on your body. Non-invasive body contouring treatment options offered by Dr. Sam Jejurikar include: 


Coolsculpting uses controlled cooling to smooth out unwanted fat pockets. This procedure works by freezing your fat cells, so they experience cell death (apoptosis.) In the months that follow this non-invasive body contouring treatment, your body will naturally eliminate the dead fat cells for a noticeably smoother appearance in the areas you treat. 


This quick, lunchtime procedure targets unwanted fat while tightening your skin to deliver a lean, toned appearance. Evolve is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses radiofrequency lipolysis, targeting certain areas of your body with special ultrasound technology that targets and kills your fat cells while tightening the skin beneath. In addition to targeting fat, the Evolve procedure with Dr. Jejurikar also encourages your body to produce more collagen and elastin, giving the targeted treatment areas a smooth, more youthful appearance. 


QWO is another non-invasive body contouring option. It is unique in that it is the only injectable with FDA approval for targeting uneven skin caused by cellulite. The injection includes an enzyme that dissolves the fibrous septae beneath your skin that causes cellulite, so you're left with smoother skin in the targeted areas. 

Which body parts can I treat with non-invasive body contouring? 

Depending on the treatment method you select, you can target fat pockets on your abdomen, thighs, and flanks (that muffin-top area). If the upper body is your problem area, you can focus on contouring your arms, back, and bra line. Non-invasive body contouring options also allow you to smooth out the area underneath your buttocks or to eliminate a stubborn double chin. 

Why Choose Non-Invasive Body Contouring Over Other Fat Loss Treatments? 

Many of Dr. Jejurikar's patients prefer non-invasive body contouring to surgical options such as liposuction because there are fewer risks to your health. When you avoid surgery, you don't have to worry about anesthesia, blood loss, or major physical tolls on your body. You'll also avoid post-surgical complications such as pain, infection, nausea, blood loss, and more. Additionally, you'll skip out on an extended recovery period, likely being cleared for regular activities on the same day as your procedure. 

Even better? Most non-invasive body contouring treatments take less than an hour to complete. So you can fight unwanted fat on your lunch break and get back to work without skipping a beat. Finally, because these treatments only target fat cells, the results you receive are more targeted and precise than with certain surgical treatments to reduce fat deposits. 

What makes me a good candidate for the procedure? 

If you've reached your ideal weight, follow a healthy diet, and exercise regularly yet you're still bothered by stubborn areas of fat, non-invasive body contouring could be your ideal procedure. The best candidates for this procedure type are bothered by small areas of excess fat or cellulite and hope to improve their self-esteem and appearance by targeting these trouble spots. If you still hope to lose weight, though, non-invasive body contouring is not the right treatment option. 

How long does the procedure last? 

As we mentioned earlier, an actual body contouring session typically lasts less than one hour. But the entire treatment process can take longer. Here's what you need to know: you may need more than one appointment if you're targeting more than one body area or if you're treating one large zone with non-invasive body contouring. With that being said, you can expect each appointment to last between 30-60 minutes. (A time period far shorter than a surgical fat loss procedure, which lasts several hours, not including post-operative recovery time.) 

What is recovery like? 

During or after your procedure, you may notice a mild burning sensation. You may also develop redness on the surface of the treated area, as well as mild bruising. Still, with non-surgical treatments, you should return to regular activity on the same day as your non-invasive body contouring. And you should be fully recovered two to three weeks after each appointment (You may need several appointments to achieve your desired results, depending on your target spots.) Early results should become obvious within six weeks of your procedure. But it may take as long as six months from your final treatment to notice the full results you're seeking. 

Choosing Your Best Non-Invasive Body Contouring Options 

When you meet with Dr. Sam Jejurikar, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Dallas, TX, you'll discuss your body contouring treatment objectives. Then, based on your needs and end-goals, he'll help you choose the procedure method that's best suited to your case. 

During your consultation, feel free to ask about other non-invasive treatment options available at the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute. From minimally invasive hair restoration with SmartGraft to topical or injectable treatments that reduce the appearance of unsightly scars, we can help you achieve your desired appearance without ever having to recover from surgery. 

Want to know the best part? When you work with Dr. Jejurikar, you don't have to worry and wait for your procedure to understand what results to expect. Instead, he uses the Crisalix 3D Imaging system to show you a realistic rendering of the results you can expect from non-invasive body contouring or any other procedure you select. 

Ready to get rid of stubborn fat and take the guesswork out of cosmetic procedures? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Jejurikar today. He'll decide whether you're a good candidate for this type of fat treatment, help you understand your options, preview your results and get you started on a path to the body of your dreams... Without any more frustrating gym sessions or worthless fad diets!