A petition seeking $2,000 monthly stimulus checks is fewer than 60,000 signatures away from reaching its 3 million signature target. Following a rush of support throughout the summer months, the petition's popularity has diminished as the number of new COVID-19 cases and fatalities in the United States continues to fall.

(Photo : Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)
Petition for $2,000 monthly stimulus checks reaches nearly 3 million.

Change.Org Petition $2,000 Monthly Stimulus Checks Reaches Nearly 3 Million

In a recently published article in Newsweek, last year, Denver restaurant owner Stephanie Bonin started a Change.org petition asking Congress to pass legislation that would offer a $2,000 payment for adults and $1,000 payment for kids immediately and ongoing monthly payments for the length of the crisis.

As of Saturday, the petition has received over 2,940,800 signatures, with around 44,000 additional supporters in the last month. If it fulfills its objective of 3 million signatures, it will become one of Change.org's most popular petitions ever since.

During the COVID-19 spike in the summer, the petition gained over 100,000 new supporters every week as families battled to cope with the financial consequences of the increasing economic impact of the global pandemic, according to a report published in Biztoc.

Read Also: Monthly $2,000 Stimulus Petition Gains 127,000 Supporters in a Month as Lawmakers Look Into Other Financial Support Bills

Advocacy Group for Senior Citizens Ask Congress for Another $1,400 Stimulus Check

A senior citizens advocacy organization has urged congressional members for a fourth stimulus check of $1,400 for an estimated 69 million Social Security retirees as the campaign nears 3 million signatures. The advocacy group firmly believed that Senior Citizens were not given priority in terms of financial aid most of the time.

Meanwhile, The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) collected hundreds of thousands of signatures last month in an attempt to persuade Congress to provide "immediate stimulus" to assist retirees, handicapped people, widows, and widowers cope with the record inflation year, according to a report published in Bahrain News.

According to the data gathered by the organization, the cost of living for Social Security beneficiaries is expected to rise by 6.2 percent in 2022, much above the 1.3 percent increase in payments this year.

Lawmakers Support for Another Round of Payment

 In recent months, the Biden administration has indicated that stimulus is no longer a priority, instead focused on enacting an infrastructure package and a broader social spending plan, both of which are critical to President Joe Biden's domestic agenda.

However, Biden has been pressed by dozens of politicians, including 56 representatives and 21 senators and more than 150 economists, to approve ongoing stimulus payments this year. Minnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar filed a measure in late July that would create a federal universal basic income system. Adults earning less than $75,000 in the United States would get $1,200 a month and $600 for each eligible dependent under the five-year test scheme.

In a published article in CBS News, several states are enacting their own stimulus checks. Governor Gavin Newsom's latest initiative is expected to qualify around two-thirds of California citizens for a "Golden State Stimulus" payment. Low- and middle-income people who have submitted their 2020 tax forms will get $600 due to this endeavor. To counterbalance the burden of the epidemic, Florida and portions of Texas have allowed incentives for teachers.

Related Article: Is $1,400 Stimulus Check For Social Security Recipients Likely To Happen? Senior Citizen Group Urges Congress To Support Proposal