(Photo : Syaibatul Hamdi/Pixabay)

Scientists in Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center report that they’ve isolated the South African variant of the coronavirus. One implied change in the virus genome is that vaccines might be affected.

Scientists in Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center report that they've isolated the coronavirus's South African variant. One fundamental change in the virus genome is that vaccines might be affected.

 Ohio researchers of the Ohio State University announced that a new variant came from SARS-Cov-2, the primary type of the CCP virus.

 According to scientists, the strain 501Y.V2 is similar to the U.K. strain. However, they think that both South African and U.K. strain might have descended from an already undiscovered genome in the United States. Virus evolution is somewhat unpredictable and random, reported The Epoch Times.

 When the genome and its eventual mutation were found together with a first. It was detected from the genome of SARS-CoV2 already existing in the United States.

 Dr. Dan Jones, of the division of molecular pathology, said the new Columbus strain possesses the same genetic backbone in earlier cases studied. He added the three viral mutant strains are a significant adaptation to spread into host cells. He said that evidence might point out that the virus's modifications weren't from the 501Y.V2 and U.K. strain.

 The scientists are still investigating the changes and what are the possible outcomes. One thing for sure these altered viral structures might be more transmittable, depending on the evidence from host to host.

One more implication suggested by improved transmission into the host cells by the newly evolved COVID-19 strains is that vaccines and therapies are not sufficient. For example, Pfizer claims that its vaccine can work against 501Y. V2 and B.1.1.7, but there is a catch 22. All the evidence came from a small study, which is not enough.

 Also read: COVID-19: South Africa Variant Virus and What to Know About This Strain

 Peter Mohler, a co-author of the study, said if these strains develop and get adept at negating a vaccine totally or limiting its effectiveness. He indicated their data says both strains will not have adverse effects on the virus. But, the burden of proof is actual exposure to strains.

 He added that looking at how the genome progresses is essential.

 Mohler clarifies that the new COVID-19 variant is unknown, and overreacting is counterproductive when extra research is gained.

 The Wadsworth Lab in New York State says the first case of the U.K. variant (B.1.1.7) has been detected. It is a person for Saratoga County, New York, who does not travel got sick with the variant.

 B.1.1.7 has spread to Colorado, California, and Florida in a period of time. One assumption about B.1.1.7 (UK Strain) is an improved chance of infecting host cells but not severe. Still, these changes in the CCP virus are under study. Most vaccines available might be able to stop it, no concrete studies are available yet.

 The purported source of the U.K. strain in New York is a jewelry store. Official says that those who went to N. Fox Jewelers at 404 Broadway between December 18 to 24, 2020, need to be tested. Contact the N.Y. department of health to verify if infected.

 Concerns over the spread of the UK Strain and contact tracing alleged improved transmission to its host. The store was closed from December 24.

 The South African Variant's detection with similarity to the B.1.1.7 is a concern if vaccines are negated. But more studies are needed if it is the case.

 Related article: PfizerBioNTech Vaccine Claims It Can Work Against the New Coronavirus Variants