(Photo : The Growing Role of CMMs in the Aerospace Industry)

The aerospace industry relies on precision, accuracy, reverse engineering, and quality assurance for optimal results and safety. A coordinate measuring machine's ability to accurately measure intricate parts' dimensions makes it an asset to the sector. 

CMMs are playing an increasingly significant role in the world of aerospace due to the industry's growing need for precise measurements, data, and analysis on a large scale. 

Consider the varying uses for this technology and how it's globally revolutionizing aerospace manufacturers' capabilities.

The Growing Presence of CMMs in the Industry

CMMs have long been an asset to the aerospace industry, and their presence is increasing in the sector. 

More and more manufacturers in this area of work are opting to use CMM service providers like CMMXYZ, who offer a full suite of services. Standard CMM services include measurement services, machine rentals, and new and used machines. 

Aero-Mag reports that the aerospace industry's global dimensional metrology market generated $482.9 million in 2012 alone. This market continues to grow as the capabilities of CMMs improve and expand. 

No-Touch Sensors and Scanners

In the aerospace industry, there are various parts and device elements that are fragile and can be easily compromised by heavy or mismanaged equipment.

Many CMMs have mobile and mechanical probes that measure objects' geometry based on an axis, but some are built with no-touch sensors or scanners instead. These parts enable a CMM to measure fragile items without any direct contact. 

This non-contact way of measuring allows aerospace manufacturers and operators to measure objects without compromising them.

Easy-To-Use Controls & Programming 

The aerospace industry can capitalize on CMM's easy-to-use controls and programs that help streamline processes to create products and assess their quality. For example, these machines boast touchscreen controls so that operators can efficiently scroll through easy to read tables, programs, and lengthy lists of data. 

The equipment software boasts arranged graphics that are easy to read but can provide complex diagrams based on acquired measurements. These controls are also able to monitor collisions to prevent impending accidents.

Industry Standards

A CMM's ability to provide precise measurements make it an ideal tool for reverse engineering products, troubleshooting, and providing quality assurance. As a result, manufacturers can use this equipment to assess devices to ensure they are up to industry standards. 

As one would imagine, aerospace manufactures have an assortment of industry standards that their products need to meet. For example, CMMs are often used to determine an aerospace product's fuel efficiency and lightweight engine.

Environmental Regulations

Rockets, planes, and other aerospace technology is required to meet specific environmental regulations. These regulations surround carbon emissions and noise, both of which result from the functionality of particular parts. 

Deloitte's 2019 Global Aerospace and Defense Industry Outlook reports that the commercial aerospace sector is experiencing an all-time high backlog of aircraft orders due to the need for aircraft that is fuel-efficient. This increase comes as a response to surging oil prices. 

CMMs are used to accurately measure engines and related parts to ensure compliance with the outlined regulations. 

Extensive Use

CMMs are durable machines that can continue providing precise measurements for extended periods. The reality is that aerospace manufacturers use CMMs for upwards of 16 hours a day to measure different components' physical attributes.