(Photo : TRUIC)

As people we are all given names that help to identify us as unique individuals. Businesses are the same - they need names that separate them from other businesses, and the more catchy and unique it is, the more the name will be remembered.

That being said, coming up with a name for your business is one of the most important and challenging steps for new small business owners. And how you decide to brand your business after will play a large role in the success of your company and the success of your business idea. Making a business name is arguably harder than naming other things - you can't just have random words put together. It needs to make sense while being catchy and enticing.

So, to help you in creating a name, a business generator is a great help. These business name generators have been utilised by a lot of business name organisations many times, and there are many sites out there that will come up with names for you, and here are just a few reasons why you should use a business name generator.

It is fast and easy

There are so many name generating tools already available online, and they are relatively easy to use - all you have to do is go to their website, enter any specific keywords that you want, and click generate. There will be names listed for you per your requirements. A good thing about business name generators is that you don't even have to use their name suggestions - it can just be inspiration for you to come up with something similar and more personalised on your own.

It will help you come up with creative and smart names

Computer brains work at a speed much, much faster than human ones. While they have speed, they also have an extensive vocabulary right at their fingertips which they can utilise in mere seconds to provide you with many results. After getting a long list of name suggestions you can utilise these for coming up with unique name ideas, by taking a few words from the generated list and fusing them with words you've already jotted down, and find a perfect name for your business.

Very accessible to everyone

Random business name generating tools are so very simple to use that they can be used by anybody and everybody - whether they are small companies, local enterprises, huge companies or international ones. With these generators you can receive all types of names, no matter what the status of your business.

Another great thing about these business name generators is that there are no catches at all - most are free, and you don't even have to register or sign up to anything to use these tools. All you have to do is one quick search on the internet for a site that does this service for you.

Great quality names

Not every name that business name generators list will be a name that you really like. But the good thing about generators is that they give you such a huge range of names to choose from. This means that you're bound to find at least one name that's of great quality that you want to use. Most suggestions are, as shown by name, random, so every option will not be the best for you. But if you have some ideas jotted down, you can easily combine and end up making a great overall name.

TRUiC has a lot of information on how you can use random name generators, form a business name, and even have their own business name generator - one that even tells you if a domain name is available. Read more here.