The highly anticipated Rick and Morty Season 3 would probably take a little longer  to be released than its other seasons as it is reported to have 14 episodes.Show writer Mike McMahan teased that "Rick and Morty" Season 3 aims to be their best season ever. 

As reported by Mobile and  Apps, executive producer Dan Harmon stated that Rick and Morty Season 3 is scheduled to be released before 2016 ends, consisting of 14 episodes.

The writer of the show, Mike McMahan, responded on a Twitter tweet that this coming season is supposedly the show's greatest and hence, "greatness takes time". It is a fact that up to date, there is still no confirmation about the exact air schedule of the show.  That just makes the fans of Rick and Morty more eager and excited about it.

Furthermore, the storyline is expected to be a blast! It can be remembered that Season 2 concluded with Rick ending up on the Galactic Federation Prison. Thus, there are numerous speculations that Rick and Morty Season 3 will start with him escaping either by bursting himself out or through a help from someone.

There are also reports which stated that there is a possibility of an Evil Morty to pop-up on the show. So, this will definitely spice up the season and bring tons of excitements for its viewers.

On the other hand, According to GameNGuide , the producers said that there is a big possibility that the show will drop the Interdimensional Cable Style. This is so, since there seems to be not much of high-concept plotting in it and as well as science-fiction. These are things that fans of the show are not fond of.

Moreover, Justin Roiland, co-creator of the show, said that writing another Interdimensional Cable Episode for Rick and Morty Season 3 is not being considered as of the moment.

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