What happens when a tiny lion cub tries to roar? A squeak is emitted that is as adorable as it is comical.

See the little lion that couldn't, yet, but keeps on trying to the delight of us all.

We all remember the scene in The Lion King, when little Simba tries to roar. It takes practice and time. And how lucky are we to get to witness this real life moment, when a too-tiny-yet-to-roar little cub gives it all it has?

In a video worthy of being the cutest of all time, says the Huffington Post, this little diminutive lion cub is giving it all they've got, but the four attempts still produce a squeak not befitting the king of the jungle. Fingers crossed that it won't be long before the ROAR! emerges from the little cub.

More adorable than intimidating, says NDTV. But surely an A for effort would be awarded?

The Lion King didn't just fall out of the womb, even Simba had to practice and earn his way to top status, says the Hollywood Gossip. So Chin Up little cub and remember, practice makes perfect!

See the aww moment right now that is taking over social media. Adorbs for sure.