It would be tough to find a more beautiful sight than a horse galloping freely across grassy hills. Add 199 more horses to bring that galloping herd to 200. Now imagine that these horses haven't had this freedom before, as they have lived their entire lives forced pregnant and living 24/7 in small, cramped iron stalls that they can neither turn around in nor lie down in. That makes this stunning video of 200 of the most beautiful horses, rescued from horrific conditions at Pregnant Mares Urine Industry (PMU) Farms, running free on the rolling green grassy hills in Oregon, just that much more special. It's pretty spectacular, isn't it?

These incredible beauties are now safe and living life as they should, at the Duchess Sanctuary in Oregon, on 1,200 rolling acres, moving from grassy field to grassy field to graze and enjoy life, according to See.Place.

Duchess Sanctuary was established in 2008 as a combined partnership of two industry giants, The Fund for Animals and the Humane Society of the United States. The vision turned reality is awe inspiring.

Jennifer Kunz, who runs the facility, knows each horse by name, as well as their quirks and personalities, Boredom Therapy noted.

It is all uphill for these horses at Duchess Sanctuary, but in a good way, as they are free from abuse and have a place where they can be happy, notes Viral Nova.