Bear Grylls, a koala bear, is considered one lucky little guy. Bear Grylls was struck by a car on a dark road Tuesday, got lodged in the grill and survived the accident, according to News Max. The lucky koala was named after the British survival expert of the same name, according to BBC.

Loren Davis' vehicle was going about 60 mph, so the injuries could have been severe, if not deadly. Davis saw the little koala attempting to cross the road, but could not avoid him as cars were on both sides of her. "When I saw it, I went to change lanes, but there was a car in the other lane so I slammed on my brakes, but there was a car behind me that nearly hit up the back of me," Davis recalled, according to CNN.

"And he just missed me at the back and at that split second in time I had no choice but to hit the koala." A frazzled and upset, Davis drove the 10 miles home, not realizing the koala was stuck in the grill of her car.

"Once I'd got home, I pulled into the garage and turned on the garage light to see what the damage to my car was and I saw the koala sitting there in the grill," Davis said. "And I ran inside and my fiancé and my stepson were there and I was a bit upset. I thought the koala had died, but my fiancé ran out of the garage yelling, 'He's alive!'"

The elated couple called Fauna Rescue of South Australia who showed up, assessed the koala and took him with them. Fauna volunteer and koala hotline operator Don Bigham said that aside from a few minor abrasions, the koala is fine and he plans to return him to his home in the next few days.